Friday, November 12, 2021

The Review: Ghosts (BBC)

Ghosts (BBC) 9/10

This series is awesome. L. and I saw this pop up on HBO Max and decided to check it out and immediately enjoyed it. We also found out that there is a new United States version that she started checking out but I will wait because I don't wanna watch a remake so close to the original especially when I liked the original so much. This is about a newly married couple named Alison and Mike. After a distant relative of hers passes away she discovers that she inherits Button House which is this big ass mansion. The problem is that the place is filthy with ghosts that passed away there over the years and never moved on. Even the distant relative moved on immediately which upset some of the ghosts that seem stuck there. The ghosts like having the house to themselves so when Alison and Mike move in they are pissed.

The couple decide to keep the house and fix it up even though it is falling apart. Mike ends up taking out a huge loan so they need to figure out a way to make money off the place. One day one of the ghosts shoves her out the window and she ends up in a coma for a few weeks. Once she gets home she can now see the ghosts which freak her the hell out. At first she thinks she is just going crazy of suffering from the accident but begins to realize that they are real. The ghosts are Kitty who is way too polite and nice. We never find out exactly how she died at least not yet but you can bet her sister had something to do with it. She wants to be sisters with Alison. Thomas who is a poet who was killed in a duel and set up by his friend. Its pretty jacked up. He is in love with Alison and wants her to leave Mike. Julian is the one with no pants who was a horrible man while alive who cheated on his wife and ignored their new child. He has the ability to touch objects if he concentrates hard enough which leads to some of the funniest moments.

Fanny is a ancestor of Alison who disapproves of everything she does. She was shoved out the window by her husband and died and repeats falling out the window daily. She also pops up when photographed. Pat was a troop leader who was shot through the neck by one of his scouts and finds out his best friend was sleeping with his wife. Robin is a caveman who is by far the oldest ghost. He is both smart and dumb and has the ability to control lights. Sir Humphrey is a headless ghost whose body seems to dislike him and even has an affair with Fanny. Captain is a World War 2 soldier who is closeted. He talks to and treats people as if they are soldiers. Mary was burned at the stake and when people pass through her it smells like burning. Oh, I forgot to mention. When someone walks through the ghosts they gag like they are sick and in pain. There is also a basement full of ghosts who died from the Plague and a little girl ghosts who sings creepy rhymes and can be heard. She rarely appears but scares the other ghosts when she does.

This show has actual crack up laughing moments and each episode is needed. This is not a show where you can just jump around and skip episodes because its a comedy. You learn more about the ghosts and their backstory as the show progresses. There are only six episodes in each season and its about half an hour long. This was a damn near perfect comedy series. I would say my only complaint is when Mike would do something obviously stupid that would come across as very plot drivey. Otherwise I really enjoyed watching this.

Charlotte Ritchie as Alison Cooper

Kiell Smith-Bynoe as Mike Cooper

Lolly Adefope as Kitty

Mathew Baynton as Thomas Thorne

Simon Farnaby as Julian Fawcett MP

Martha Howe-Douglas as Lady Fanny Button

Jim Howick as Pat Butcher

Laurence Rickard as Robin and Sir Humphrey Bone

Ben Willbond as the Captain

Katy Wix as Mary

Click here for previous The Review.

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