Monday, December 13, 2021

The Review: A Chestnut Family Christmas

A Chestnut Family Christmas 5/10

So L. has been wanting to watch some Christmas movies with me and we watched this crazy ass movie called A Chestnut Family Christmas. This lady Nina is a live in cook for a family that is gonna be moving from Chicago to LA in a few months. They leave for the holidays and she invites her best friend Malcolm over. She doesn't want to see her brothers for the holidays because she has been competing with them her entire life and living in their shadows. They say they cant have it at their house so they invite themselves over to her place and by her place I mean where she is staying that is not hers but she lied and said its her place. She also lied about still being a lawyer. And lied and said that Malcolm is her fiancé. I swear. Its just lies in lies with this woman. Malcolm is about to be the new deacon at a church and has a fiancé of his own that I kept calling his aunty.

My face when anyone talked.

So the family arrives and her brothers are trash. They mean. Rude. One is gay and plays basketball but is not in the NBA and afraid to let everyone know he gay. The other brother is a lawyer and divorced and pushing his daughter who wants to do art to be a lawyer and he made bad investments and is losing the house. Fast forward Nina says some mean shit to Malcolm when the family is airing everything out. The real home owners show up and fire Nina like “You could have just asked us to let your family stay.” So she out of a home and job. Malcolm's fiancé leaves him. The family at a hotel. Nina lets Malcolm know how she feels. They like each other. Happy ending for everyone. I know that holiday movies are not like and forgiving folks and family and whatnot. I just sit there like “Why you lying so much?!” Strange movie. Watched it on OWN.

Meagan Holder as Nina Chestnut

Brad James as Malcolm Butler

Jaime M. Callica as Kyle Chestnut

Klarc Jerome Wilson as Jayson Chestnut

Kalista Wilson as Rogue Chestnut

Click here for previous The Review.

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