Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Review: Hawkeye

Hawkeye 2/10

I didn't like it. That's all. Kidding. But not really. I did not enjoy Hawkeye as much as I expected to. Does it help that I absolutely loved every previous Disney+/Marvel series? It should've. They were knocking them out the park this year and this one started off with me being into it but as the main star Kate Bishop was older and acting like she was 10 and got progressively more annoying as the show went on I lost interest but kept watching out of a silly sense of dedication. Plus all the movies and shows are connected and I didn't wanna miss out on anything. Basically when Kate was little during the New York battle with the Avengers, Hawkeye incidentally saved her life. Her dad ends up dying and she and her mom survive and Kate wants a bow and arrow. She grows up competing in many sports that require discipline but someone don't listen to shit anyone says especially Hawkeye.

Clint spends the series trying to clean up Kate's mess. She stole his Ronin outfit and people who want Ronin dead easily track her down. Her mom runs a security business! Hawkeye misses time with his family to clean up her mess that is now his. I like Hawkeye. I am not one of those people that think he is just a dude with a bow and arrow. I have always liked normal humans that are talented that can roll with gods, superheroes, and monsters. Hell, Batman is that dude. So I enjoyed whenever he was on screen without Kate. I don't hate Kate completely. I like her skill set and abilities. I just could not stand the way she acted in this. So what did I enjoy about this? Seeing Kingpin. I hated seeing him get punked out by Kate and I won't get into how her mom was able to get that car into speed to ram him through a store. I accept a lot of crazy shit but not that. I liked the introduction of Echo. There were some funny moments with the LARPers. I liked the dog. I absolutely loved the Avengers play. I also didn't like Yelena because I didn't like her in Black Widow or that movie itself. So yeah. I think you could skip this series and just read a quick recap and get the gist of this series.

Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye

Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop

Click here for previous The Review.

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