Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Review: The Banker

The Banker 7/10

I liked this movie. I can't quite describe it because there is a whole lot of math and bank talk. Its also based off a true story as L. mentioned to me. This dude Bernard Garrett grows up a smart kid but because it is 1954 he is pretty much told to cut that shit out and stay Black. As he grows up he wants to get into doing real estate but can't because Black. He meets this guy named Joe Morris who has a lot of money and clubs and convinces him that they can work together. They hire this kid named Matt to be the face of their business and things go great. Then they head to Texas and things go great until they go really not great. They pretty much run two banks and help out Black people with loans for their homes and businesses but that is not looked kindly upon. I would give this a higher score if the pacing was a bit faster and less time was spent showing me math. Its on Apple+ so nobody watching this.

Anthony Mackie as Bernard Garrett

Nicholas Hoult as Matt Steiner

Samuel L. Jackson as Joe Morris

Nia Long as Eunice Garrett

Click here for previous The Review.

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