Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Review: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof 10/10

This movie was awesome. Last weekend L. and I watched this movie. I had heard of it but had absolutely no idea what it was about. I did think for some reason that Marilyn Monroe was in this. She isn't. Not sure why I thought that. This dude named Brick is drunk as hell and hearing the roar of crowds that aren't there and decides its a great time to run and jump hurdles on a field. He eats shit and breaks his ankle. He is now back at his family's place with his wife Maggie that he seems to not like at all. His father, Big Daddy, is coming home for his 65th birthday party and everyone is all excited, especially his brother Gooper and his wife Mae. The children they have are some of the most annoying children to ever grace the screen. Brick just stays in his room staying drunk while Maggie tries to sleep with him and reminding him of the money they could get from Big Daddy. Brick is like “I don't care about you, that money, my family, or myself. I just want Skipper back!” After a while I started to gather that he and Skipper were more than just football teammates and friends if you catch my drift.

Big Daddy and his wife Big Mama come back from a doctors visit and Big Daddy is immediately annoyed with those terrible kids. They announce that Big Daddy is cancer free but the doctor lets others know that he is not as has less than a year to live. Brick tells Maggie and she wants him to be kinder to his father for the money and because he is his father. But mostly monies. After the most annoying birthday party in the world Big Daddy invades Brick's room and lets him know he is tired of his drunken bullshit. Maggie, who wanted to let everyone know what happened with Brick and how Skipper died decides to clam up but Brick is like “Spill it, woman!” She says that she was jealous of how much time Brick and Skipper spent together so she plotted to sleep with Skipper to upset Brick but didn't do it. Brick ended up jumping off the roof and dying. Brick then blames himself because Skipper called him crying and Brick hung up on him and wouldn't answer the phone.

Big Daddy and Brick really start to get into it. Big Daddy is trying to get Brick to understand why he drinks so much and Brick lets slip that Big Daddy is going to die soon. Inside in the basement he goes to check on his father while Gooper and his wife try to get Big Mama to sign over everything to them. She is not coming to grips with the fact that Big Daddy is going to die. Brick talks to Big Daddy and gets him to look at himself and see that he took care of his family financially but didn't love them at all. They make a reconciliation of sorts and Maggie lies and says that she is pregnant which pisses off Gooper and his wife. God, I could not stand those two. The movie ends with Brick and Maggie finally showing some form of affection for one another.

This was a very good movie. I liked it mostly because it was messy as hell. People were just all up in one another business and shouting louder than they needed to so other folk could hear it. The way this movie looked was gorgeous. Like the color and such. The movie seemed to also fly by and didn't seem to drag at any point. They also managed to give enough time for every character and gave me a chance to understand all of them and their motivations. Also the Black people in it were treated well. Its the small things.

Elizabeth Taylor as Margaret “Maggie The Cat" Pollitt

Paul Newman as "Brick" Pollitt

Burl Ives as Harvey "Big Daddy" Pollitt

Judith Anderson as Ida "Big Mama" Pollitt

Jack Carson as Cooper "Gooper" Pollitt

Madeleine Sherwood as Mae Flynn "Sister Woman" Pollitt

Larry Gates as Dr. Baugh

Vaughn Taylor as Deacon Davis

Click here for previous The Review.

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