Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Review: DMZ

DMZ 3/10

Its a show. As I described to L. this is one of those shows where you could do some laundry or clean up while its on and not feel like you really missed anything. I never read the comic that it is based off of but had heard it existed. I also know that it ran for a lot of issues and maybe that is why this four episode series feels so rushed. I never got a sense of what life was like outside of the walled city that they live in or why it is so bad out there. Yeah, the plot. This doctor sneaks back into the walled city to find her son who she lost eight years or so ago. Turns out he didn't get lost but made sure he didn't leave with her. His dad is one of many people running the city and is so ambitious that it turns into stupidity. Her son is this dude who is an assassin for his father now. I got annoyed a lot watching because people would make silly decisions or actions to keep the story going. The series is shot well but the acting seems to be from different shows. Some acting is very serious and others seem like characters from a network television series. This is on HBO Max. Y'all can check it out if you want. Its not horrible. Just feels extremely rushed until it slams on the brakes in the last episode and wraps up everything perfectly.

Rosario Dawson as Alma "Zee" Ortega

Hoon Lee as Wilson Lin

Freddy Miyares as Skel

Jordan Preston Carter as Odi

Venus Ariel as Nico

Amandla Jahava as Nicole

Benjamin Bratt as Parco Delgado

Click here for previous The Review.

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