Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Review: Meet Me In St. Louis

Meet Me In St. Louis 7/10

Back in December I watched this movie for the first time with L. She had seen it before but I only knew the name from cartoons and such which tends to be my reason for knowing most things made before the 1960's be it an actor, actress, or song. I have to point out that this movie was crazy as hell. I kept referring to one of the children as Purge because she was nuts. This takes place in the early 1900's so shit is weird. This Smith family is stank ass rich and doing well. The daughters just need to find a man to marry and then they will be off to, like, be married and take care of homes. Whatever. They need men because 1903. There are four daughters and a son who ain't important to the story. The oldest daughter is waiting for her dude to propose while Esther is clamoring for the guy next door. This poor bastard.

One night during Halloween all the kids go outside and start fires and throw flour in folks faces when they open their doors. The youngest daughter who would be on all the medication if she were doing this shit today goes to this scary guys house and douses him with flour and is hailed as a hero. Later that night she comes back with her face busted and says that John did it. John is the one that Esther wants. She walks to his place and starts attacking him! I was like “The fuck?!” Kids are the worst. I know because I used to be one. Kids just make up any shit that comes to mind. The little sister admits that not only did he not hit her at all, he actually saved them from the police. Esther and John kiss because 1903.

The father of the family lets everyone know that he accepted a new job in New York City. The entire family throws a shit fit. Like, y'all ain't married, don't have kids, jobs, or nothing to hold you there. The daughters are mad because how will they get these men to marry them if they move? Esther is mostly mad because now she will miss the World's Fair. They start singing and everything is fixed because movie...and 1903. This was a fun movie. Its just crazy how well things wrap up in older films. It has some catchy ass songs too.

Judy Garland as Esther Smith

Margaret O'Brien as "Tootie" Smith

Mary Astor as Mrs. Anna Smith

Lucille Bremer as Rose Smith

Leon Ames as Mr. Alonzo Smith

Tom Drake as John Truett

Click here for previous The Review.

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