Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Review: Ozark Season 4 Part 1

Ozark Season 4 Part One 10/10

Let me start off by saying that I am amazed that a show can be on for this many seasons and not have any episodes that feel like filler or a waste. They have split this season into two seven parts and I am glad they did because my poor heart could not take anymore intensity than I witnessed and felt while watching just these episodes. I watched the first episode with Cam and sat on the rest because I knew more were not coming. I'm not into binge watching so much anymore particularly with certain shows. This is not the kind of show you can just blow through quickly and absorb all the information. Plus I don't wanna be one of those people that start crying for more after I have gobbled up what these folk have worked so hard on doing and get mad when I'm not served another helping immediately.

This starts off with Wendy and Marty washing bits of Helen off of themselves. Yeah. This picks up right after the last season. Navarro is so proud of them and introduces us to one of the worst people ever on TV, his nephew Javier. I learned to hate this man more than almost any character I have ever seen on a show or movie. Navarro wants Javier to take over for him eventually and wants the Byrd's to stop Darlene from selling heroin. Good luck with that one. Navarro also wants the Byrd's to set a deal up with the FBI where he will have immunity for giving up information. This annoying ass detective named Mel Sattem is looking for Helen and wants her to sign some papers. Javi ends up killing the dirty sheriff for no reason and makes the Byrd's cremate him.

That was just episode one!

The FBI agent that was working with Marty had her kid. A new sheriff arrives and she actually does her job which is bad for everyone in this town. The Byrd's meet up with a pharmaceutical company and will give them heroin for them to use instead of getting it overseas and they will donate to Wendy's desire to get into politics. Ruth now working with Darlene goes behind her and makes a deal with a celebrity chef to sell drugs. He ends up OD-ing but survives. Jonah, still mad that his mom had his uncle Ben killed and cremated, starts laundering money for Darlene and Ruth at this hotel. Navarro wants to meet with agent Maya but she decides not to go until Wendy says if she does not they are all dead. The daughter Charlotte...not much to say about her this go around.

The rest of the season which I will not spoil is full of deaths of people I did not expect to die and all kinds of twists and turns I didn't expect that made me yell at my TV a lot in a good way. The actress that plays Ruth deserves every award based on the last episode alone. There is nothing I do not enjoy about this series. The music. The acting. The look. The...everything. This is a damn perfect series. I also like that this is the last season because two season ago I said that there was no way that this has a happy ending where everyone makes it out alive. If this had even one more season it would have been too much and I would rather a show end on a high note and make me sad its gone than wear out its welcome the way shows do now. When this series wraps up in a few weeks I'll have more to say.

Click here for previous The Review.

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