Friday, May 27, 2022

The Review: Dark Passage

Dark Passage 8/10

This was a damn good movie. L. and I were watching this channel called M. or something. Its on regular antennae TV which people forget exists. This is about this guy named Vincent Parry that escapes from San Quentin. On the way after escaping in a car with this guy they play the news of his escape so he knocks the guy out. Parry meets up with a friend and explains his situation to him and how he was framed for murdering his wife. His friend Sam hooks him up with a plastic surgeon who does some quick work and wraps his face up. He tells him to not mess with it for a while until it heals. Vincent heads back to Sam's and find shim dead. Now he is on the super run!

He ends up at this lady Irene's place. She is the most attractive actress from that time period I have ever seen. No lie. He tells her everything and she believes him and she wants him. She takes cares of him while he heals up. This woman Madge shows up like “Vincent escaped and gonna kill me!” This other guy shows up and Irene has to clear them all out. Vincent leaves and is almost arrested while at a diner. He is then kidnapped by this guy who has been following him for days. They end up tussling because the guy wants to ransom him back to Irene and gets his ass knocked off a cliff. Vincent confronts Madge who he knows is the real killer because she a jealous ass. She ends up falling out the window and dying. Now he fucked. He has to escape to a train station with the most unhelpful employee ever. He calls Irene and tells her where to meet him in Peru and she does and it is a happy ended. I really loved the way this was filmed and how it was damn near an hour until we even saw the star of the movie.

Humphrey Bogart as Vincent Parry

Lauren Bacall as Irene Jansen

Bruce Bennett as Bob

Agnes Moorehead as Madge Rapf

Tom D'Andrea as Cabby (Sam)

Click here for previous The Review.

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