Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Review: Moon Knight

Moon Knight Season 1 (10/10)

I feel like every time I watch one of these new Marvel series that I end up thinking “This had no right to be as good as this is.” Almost no one knows who the hell Moon Knight is. I knew who he was but I wasn't a massive fan or anything. I knew he had powers associated with an ancient god and that he had multiple personalities. That is about it. I knew that the star of this would be good but not as good as he was. This about a guy named Steven Grant that works at a museum. At night he chains himself to his bed and covers the floor with sand, and tapes the door to see if he has left for some reason. One night he wakes up in another country and being chased and shot at. He experiences black outs where he will snap back and there is just carnage everywhere. He ends up finding out that he is living a double life where he is also Marc Spector who is a former mercenary and looking for an ancient relic in order to keep it from this guy named Arthur Harrow. Marc's wife shows up and she gets in on all this crazy ass stuff.

I should have written about each episode because this was such a complex series. I could never guess where this show would go. There were points where I questioned the reality of the world that the character was in and just when I thought I figured it out I turned out to be very wrong. By the time I got to see a talking hippo guiding a ship across sand while zombies attacked I was like “This seems on brand.” This series starts off with Steven rushing to the pet store because his one finned fish now has two fins and the shop owner saying he has been there before. He later wakes up in another country with guys trying to shoot him down and he has no idea why. He has a scarab and this cult tries to take it but he can't control his own body as he tries to give it away. He also has a deep voice in his head, Khonshu, calling him a worm and weak and wanting Marc to take over. Steven don't know who Marc is.

Harrow, the main villain, wants to use the scarab since it is a compass to awaken Ammit. See, Ammit is a Egyptian god that judges the guilty based on what they will or might do in life while Khonshu waits until bad has been done and will use the Moon Knight to get justice. I forgot to mention that Harrow has the ability to hold your hands, his scales tattoo will move, and you will be declared good or he will suck your soul out. He tried it on Steven at one point and the scales danced. Later in the series Steven and Layla find the tomb. This is after Khonshu has been sucked into a statue and Steven no longer has powers. Harrow talks to Layla after she has fought a mummy and says that Marc was there when her dad was killed. She confronts Steven and has Marc appear to explain what happened. He is shot shortly after which leads to learning more about his sad ass past and why he has multiple personalities.

This series has incredible acting, action, music, scenes, just everything. When things were confusing to the characters it was confusing to me but not in a way that made it feel as if I was going to lose interest if they kept it up. There are shows that are not good at that and I will give up. I hope that they make another season of this especially since the way it ended was like “Holy shit!” This is up there with being one of the best Marvel/Disney+ series that have come out.

Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector/Moon Knight/Steven Grant/Mr. Knight/Jake Lockley

May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab unassuming

Karim El Hakim and F. Murray Abraham as Khonshu

Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow

Click here for previous The Review.

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