Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Review: Choose Or Die

Choose Or Die 2/10

This was a movie that could have been good but somehow lost its way. It reminded me of those shows I wont even begin to watch because based on the premise I know its gonna have a not-ending. L. was watching this and I missed the first scene but she told me what happened and I got the gist of it. Video game collector finds this old game called CURS>R and it starts interacting with his real life in dangerous ass ways. Months later this girl named Kayla who is friends with this guy named Isaac gets the game from him. She heads home and her mother is on drugs after Kayla accidentally let her younger brother drown. She works nights and her life seems like ass. Oh, and a guy in the building wants to sleep with her, her mom, and gives mom drugs so that's cool.

So Kayla gets the game from Isaac who has not played it yet and calls a number for a cash prize on the back. She has to beat the game and call the number to get the money. So one night at a diner she starts playing this game and it knows where she is, what she should eat, and changes items at her table. The shit ends with a waitress chewing and eating broken glass. She gets home and the pervert is there. She gets stuck playing the game again and her mother dives out a window after being attacked by a giant rat. She tells Isaac about this and I would have been like “That sounds like a YOU problem!” They both get sucked into the game where they are attacked by her dead ghost brother in a swimming pool. They track down where the game was made and this is where the movie loses all hope of getting better. Its not like I had high hopes for this movie I didn't know existed but I hate when you can tell that a good idea is buried somewhere in there. Netflix continues to make movies where I go “Why does this exist?” Don't get me started on Spiderhead which I watched half an hour of before tapping out.

Iola Evans as Kayla

Asa Butterfield as Isaac

Click here for previous The Review.

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