Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Review: The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby 8/10

Weeks ago I finally watched The Great Gatsby. I had never read the book or seen any other versions of this but I do remember seeing the meme from this. I thought this was a movie about a dude that loved to party all the time. I was very wrong. This is told through the eyes of a guy that lived next door to Gatsby. His name is Nick and he is getting treatment at a hospital and is told to just write about Gatsby. In 1922 he moves to his new place and there is this dude that throws these crazy ass parties. His cousin Daisy is married to an asshat named Tom. He is loaded. Nick gets invited to Gatsby's party which a mutual friend of Daisy named Jordan is surprised because no one gets invited. Daisy's husband brings Nick to a town called Valley of Ashes where he messes around with a woman who is very much not his wife.

Nick, by the way, just gets dragged to every location he is in and plied with booze. Nick is brought to lunch with Gatsby and learns about his life and what is true and what isn't. Gatsby met Daisy years ago and they were in love but he left for war and to become the man he thought she deserved. In the meantime she met Tom and had a kid and has been miserable. Nick sets it up for Gatsby and Daisy to meet and Gatsby is all kinds of nervous about it and leaves and comes back pretending he just arrived. They plan to be together but not sure how to tell Tom about it. No one talks about her child and what will happen to it. Its weird. This movie ends with a woman being launched in the air by a car and killed and someone murdered. This movie was really cool and I'm surprised I had not seen it because at the time the director still made movies I was interested in seeing. This had a great cast and I loved the style used for it.

Leonardo DiCaprio as James Gatz/Jay Gatsby

Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway

Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan

Joel Edgerton as Tom Buchanan

Jason Clarke as George Wilson

Isla Fisher as Myrtle Wilson

Elizabeth Debicki as Jordan Baker

Jack Thompson as Dr. Walter Perkins

Click here for previous The Review.

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