Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Review: Spiral

Spiral 7/10

Spiral was actually good. I gave up on Saw films a while back because they started getting brutal for nothing and the traps were set up so there was no way to actually survive. This is a Saw based film but no Billy the Puppet showing up. This detective named Bozwick chases this guy down into the subway and ends up caught in a f-ed up trap where he has to cut his tongue off the survive. He don't. This is not that kinda movie. If someone is in a trap if they don't immediately make the decision to maim themselves they're gonna die. His former partner Zeke Banks tries to track down who is now murdering multiple cops before it gets even worse. What sucks is that his department is dirty as hell and he can't trust anyone. Hell, it turns out his father is one of the main dirty ones. Zeke gets a new guy that works with him and he ends up getting killed. Or does he? This was a jacked up ass movie but the kills were not as gory as previous films. Just really jacked up. This movie showed that you could make Saw spinoffs and they would be cool. I'd like to see a few seasons of shows just like this movie.

Chris Rock as Detective Zeke Banks

Max Minghella as Detective William Schenk/Emmerson

Leonidas Castrounis as Young William

Samuel L. Jackson as Marcus Banks

Marisol Nichols as Captain Angie Garza

Click here for previous The Review.

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