Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Documentality: Killer Sally


Killer Sally 8/10

This past weekend Cam and I watched this crazy ass documentary on Netflix called Killer Sally. It was about a former bodybuilder who had murdered her husband Ray McNeil who was a former Mr. Olympia competitor. They have interviews with her as she's in prison so you know that she ended up getting locked up for his murder and they have interviews with her two children that she had from a previous marriage. As the story continues you see that she had a terrible upbringing. The husband she murdered had a terrible upbringing and by proxy her children also had a terrible upbringing. Now Sally she was in the Marine Corps as well as the husband that she ended up murdering. As they did different bodybuilding competitions and everything after leaving service she started doing these videos where men would wrestle women in apartments, specifically buff ass women. She would get about $300 an hour wrestling these men and made enough money to support the family just barely and her husband wasn't even working. He would just be competing in these different competitions and sometimes winning most of the times losing or placing very far behind and then being a cheating and abusive asshole on top of it.

Now I'm not saying that this man deserved to die but I am saying that he deserves some type of prison time for the abuse he was committing but the way she went about killing him is what screwed her over. Well, that and the fact that the lawyer that was prosecuting her was a total jerk. This man was a jerk in the past in the 90s, this man is a jerk now. Like I could not stand watching this man speak. So in the three episodes that this takes place you go through her terrible marriage, the interviews with the children, and I'm just like man these kids are off like there's something off about them and I understand it because of their upbringing but they both ended up growing up to join the military where the daughter ended up getting assaulted the son suffers from PTSD and I believe also some form of alcohol or drug abuse at another point. The guy Ray who ended up getting murdered they interviewed two of his friends and one of his friends cannot admit that Ray was a bastard who abused his wife and two stepchildren is like he just cannot accept that this was a thing that occurred that led to his murder.

So when Sally ended up murdering him after he assaulted her on Valentine's Day she left the room came back shot him with a shotgun reloaded shot him in the face and then handed the gun off to a neighbor like “well I'm done this is so the police no I do not currently have a weapon in my possession.” That is not how that works. So she ends up all over the papers and on TV. This is during a period of time where women were committing a lot of different violent crimes in the media and such so that did not help her. So they go back into a little bit more of her life with the abuse and such and how she dated a black guy when she was younger and her parents sounded racist and from then on honestly like she dated exclusively black guys because even after she got out of prison (spoiler alert) she ends up marrying this black dude. She doesn't seem particularly regretful for murdering this man. She finally gets in touch with her children again and they reconcile in some form and she gets to meet her grandchildren and everything that seems to be happily ever after for her but she does not appear to really feel bad about murdering this guy. She did her 20 something years in prison and now she's out in free and married. Yay. I know this is full of spoilers but you should check this out on Netflix. It's three parts and a pretty quick watch and crazy as hell.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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