Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Review: A Wesley Christmas

A Wesley Christmas 0/10

The second movie L. and I watched was called A Wesley Christmas. By the way both of these were on BET+ that she accidentally still had for months ago after we watched Jason's Lyric. This is one of those basic movies where all the children come together for the holidays and even though the parents seem nice normal and polite the children all seem to be trash in different ways. One of the kids is the daughter and she can't be tied down in any relationship and is juggling two different men. The two sons work at a company together and one of the sons is married has two twin daughters who look 29 years old each and a wife who is either pregnant or has cancer. The other son who I remember as Todd because I kept calling him fake Chris Brown appears to be the fuck up of the family. He lost the company $500,000 and the older brother is not happy about it but the rest of the family seems to be like “Well you know that's Todd.” And there's also a hot auntie who seems to always be drinking and is the only part of this movie that is enjoyable.

Outside the house they have a crazy neighbor that lives in his trailer and will have anyone towed if they park too close to it who is a former Vietnam vet. This man has super PTSD. He will have flashbacks of old Vietnam footage and just start screaming. One day the father goes inside of his trailer and tries invite him over for dinner and he says no and you would not have had to tell me twice because there are two grenades on your table and thirty bottles of pills. The police should have been called immediately! So with this film we began playing our guessing game of who was going to hook up with who and how things were going to go and I guessed that the Vietnam vet was going to get a makeover and sure enough he gets a makeover and the aunt is kind of like “ooh he good looking.” The brother Todd who lost half a million dollars because he invested in an app ends up gaining 50 million based off of this app. The other brother his wife turns out to be pregnant. The two daughters who gave the Vietnam vet a makeover don't really have a story other than one of them thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her and he's not. Also the mom thinks her husband is cheating on her because he's acting all weird and suspicious and saying very suspicious things and it turns out he was just getting a new ring for her so he could remarry her.

This movie was really bad and we considered stopping it. From the start we knew something was wrong with the way the movie looked. L. asked what is wrong with it and I said it looks like a commercial. This is one of the most HD looking films I have ever seen in my life and every scene look like an Old Navy commercial. Actually not every scene because there's an outdoor scene where it looked like a weird green screen but it wasn't. Again as with most of the black films that we end up watching there are a lot of questionable hairstyles and product not being used. I thought Todd's hair was going to catch on fire it was so dry. Oh I forgot to mention Todd is also married and his girlfriend leaves him immediately hooks up with an NFL player and then leaves that guy because she was going to just be a part of his harem of women and tries to get back with Todd who is now into his sisters friend so he moves on from his soon-to-be ex-wife. This is another one of those films where people online are praising it and I don't know what the hell they see that I do not. I understand enjoying and wanting to see more black people in films and television and everything but there has to be some sort of quality control. I'm not going to just be happy because black people are on my television. I want black people to be in things that are actually entertaining, well-made, and good. This was not good in any way. The camera looked crazy as hell, the acting was not good, the story was way too predictable, and I would love an explanation as to why all of the kids behave the way that they do. Oh god I forgot to mention the church scene. There's a scene where the daughter is singing in church and they decide to dress her up like a 12-year-old as a young girl. Below her a child dances ballet and then it certainly turned into a hip hop Jesus song. I was so confused. We plan on watching more Christmas movies and the upcoming weeks and I hope that we find at least one good one that has been made recently.

Click here for previous The Review.

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