Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Review: American Horror Story NYC

American Horror Story NYC 9/10

This crazy ass season had everything. A psychotic leather man, dying deer, an epidemic, drug use, rough sex, and torture thrown in just a spice things up. This last season of American Horror Story: NYC seems to have some people upset and other people very happy with how the season turned out. I'm one of the people that's very happy with this season because the last few seasons have built up these huge hopes and then the payoff has been trash. I was hoping that this season wouldn't be too crammed with too much information and killers because at a certain point it seemed like the show was beginning to lose its way. Thankfully even after the death of one of the killers the show stayed interesting and I was excited to watch it every single week. L. had already started the season and I jumped in and when she would finish an episode I try to quickly watch it to catch up. This season benefited from having a lot of interesting characters and not one or two that I gave a damn about. This is going to be full of spoilers so be warned and you shouldn't be looking up stuff on the internet about shows you haven't watched yet anyway.

One of the characters name is Patrick. He's a New York police detective who is also secretly gay. He used to be married to a woman but they are still in the process of a divorce and he is in a relationship with this guy named Gino who I'll talk about in a second. Patrick has a lot of dark-ass secrets that come out as the season progresses and after one of them I was super shook by. He goes from being somebody that I was rooting for and honestly did not think had a dark bone in his body until his ex-wife started bringing up aspects of his past and then as I watched how he behaved in certain situations I knew that there was something off with him.

His boyfriend Gino who works as a reporter for the New York native newspaper is trying to bring more attention to the fact that the attacks on gay people have been rising, particularly gay men, and that the police are doing nothing about it. This pisses him off even more seeing as how his boyfriend is a cop and he thinks that he's not doing as much as he can to help figure out who is attacking and killing all of these men. This poor man goes through it the entire season!

There's also a doctor named Hannah Wells who is starting to see a connection between these deer that are getting this mysterious illness and dying on Fire Island and what she's starting to see pop up in the blood work of some of her patients. There is also this guy named Adam who is pissed off because his friend has gone missing and the police are doing nothing about it. He begins working with Gino at the newspaper to try to figure out who is behind all of these now grotesque killings. 

There's also this guy named Sam who is a fucking party animal who likes to hire attractive young men and have them be tortured and photographed by his boyfriend Theo. Meanwhile there's this big buff ass man in a leather mask that seems to be able to vanish into thin air that is killing people. I will not spoil who this giant man is but I wanted an explanation as to how he was able to do the things that he could do and they gave me an answer that I was equally shocked and satisfied with.

Now while all the other crazy stuff I mentioned is going on there's also this guy named Whiteley who is legitimately one of the creepiest characters I have ever seen on the TV show. This guy and the way he talks and the way he dresses and the way he explains how he's going to do these horrible things to you before you die creeped me the hell out. This is probably the only season of this show that I would rewatch other than the Coven season. After reading about it and hearing what people have to say about it there was a lot of little things in the background that I was not picking up the first time and I'm sure there's even more that I missed. This is truly one of my favorite seasons of this show in a very long time and I hope that they are able to make another season that does not have to connect with previous seasons or lead you down a path with absolutely no payoff.

Russell Tovey as Patrick Read

Joe Mantello as Gino Barelli

Billie Lourd as Dr. Hannah Wells

Denis O'Hare as Henry Grant

Charlie Carver as Adam Carpenter

Leslie Grossman as Barbara Read

Sandra Bernhard as Fran

Isaac Powell as Theo Graves

Zachary Quinto as Sam

Patti LuPone as Kathy Pizzaz

Click here for previous The Review.

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