Monday, January 16, 2023

The Review: Bullet Train

Bullet Train 1/10

You ever see a preview for a movie or look at the cast listing and think holy crap this movie might be bad but it'll be kind of cool in a bad way? That was not this movie. This movie was straight up trash. There have been a lot of films that have had a large cast and a crazy insane storyline and fights but have done it so much better. Everyone has been comparing this to Smokin' Aces which is an insult since that movie is actually really cool. I got absolutely zero joy out of watching this and was barely able to make it through. I'm not going to waste my time listing the cast of this film because it is actually embarrassing that so many really good actors and actresses wasted their own time being in this. I'm also not going to waste my time saying what this is about. This was just trash and barely deserves a 1 out of 10 but it gets that score because I finished it.

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