Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Review: White Christmas

White Christmas 8/10

One of the Christmas movies we watched was called White Christmas. This takes place during World War II and this Broadway performer is there and the major general shows up to let them know that he's leaving. Moments after he takes off they start getting bombed and shot at. The Broadway performer who is named Bob ends up getting saved by Phil but Phil ends up getting his arm hurt. While he is recovering to make up for it he decides to let Phil join him and they become a Broadway act together. They end up becoming very successful and they hear about these two other singers the Haynes Sisters and this is pretty much an elaborate plan because Phil thinks that Bob will be much happier in a relationship and it would improve his life.

After all kind of crazy shenanigans involving running from police, switching train tickets, and dressing in drag they end up in Vermont. It turns out that the place that they're staying is run by their old general and he's pretty much sinking money into it. Also no one is showing up because as excited as they were about seeing snow and wanting to wash their hair with it there is absolutely no snow. They plan to surprise him by doing a huge performance in raising money for him but one of the sisters overhears a part of this from the nosy front desk lady and thinks that Bob is just trying to get more fame and money and this has nothing to do with actually helping the general out. I really like this movie because it felt like a Christmas movie and even though people were acting irrational they ended up seeing or hearing something and understanding that things are not always what they seem. By the way, I got exhausted just watching how hard people danced in this.

Bing Crosby as Bob Wallace

Danny Kaye as Phil Davis

Rosemary Clooney as Betty Haynes

Vera-Ellen as Judy Haynes

Dean Jagger as Major General Tom Waverly

Click here for previous The Review.

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