Friday, February 17, 2023

The Review: The Menu

The Menu 9/10

I finally decided to check out this movie The Menu because a few people I know had seen it and talked about how good it was. They did not spoil it for me which I very much appreciated so I'm going to do the same thing. I went into this movie not knowing anything about it except one of the main actors and that's about it. The basic premise is that about a dozen people pay a lot of money to have dinner on this island where there is a world-famous chef. Once they get there they're served multiple course meals that look extremely pretty and fancy but out of all of them there was only one that I thought I would try. This always happens whenever I see anything very fancy being made. It doesn't look appetizing to me and I know I do not have the pallet or food language to describe what I like about anything that I eat. So at first you're just watching these different people and these different couples talking about themselves mostly and about their lives and then they're interrupted by the chef who explains a small story about each dish and then it continues to get weirder and weirder after every single course until all hell breaks loose. This was a really good movie. I started watching it while I was ironing and then slowly started ironing less and less until I was just very much into this. You can check this out on HBO Max. It's a good quick watch that is in a 3-hour movie doesn't need a sequel and has a satisfying ending.

Ralph Fiennes as Chef Slowik

Anya Taylor-Joy as Margot

Nicholas Hoult as Tyler

Hong Chau as Elsa

Click here for previous The Review.

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