Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Review: The Woman King

The Woman King 8/10

As I sit here with my feet soaking in warm water with bubbles in between my toes I realize that after watching a film like The Woman King I would not have survived that environment in real life nor the training done to do this movie. The Woman King turned out to be a far better film than I expected it to be. Not that I thought it was going to be bad or anything but I pretty much thought it was just going to be an action film with a lot of tough ass looking women and that's about it. I was very wrong. This is about a general and she leads and trains a group of women warriors from all different parts of Africa. Colonizers start arriving and she begins to realize that they are just trading their own people for more weapons and losing more and more of themselves as time goes on. The king agrees with her but he also has his evil ass wife in his ear who tries to go behind his back and make decisions because she wants to be declared the next woman king.

There is a young girl who shows up after her father gave her away because she did not want to get married to this nasty old man who showed up was pretty much like “I got a lot of land you going to do a lot of work and I'm going to slap you around and show you that I don't play.” She pushed his old ass to the ground and her father was like “Nope can't send you off to anybody to get married so I'm going to leave you with these train killers.” There's more to this story that I don't want to spoil in case you have not watched this because I was gasping like a little bitch when I was watching this and certain things were revealed. Some of you might see it from a mile away but I did not. Movies have shown that I have a terrible track record when it comes to being a detective. This movie surprisingly was on Netflix so expect to get recommended a lot of weird black movies after you finish watching this. The acting in this was good. The way it looked and the dialogue and all of that were good as well. My biggest issue with this movie if anything was the music. It sounded like any old basic this isn't America here's some action music going on. I would have liked more drums or something that sounded more like it was coming from Africa. Not just action music.

Viola Davis as General Nanisca

Thuso Mbedu as Nawi

Lashana Lynch as Izogie

Sheila Atim as Amenza

John Boyega as King Ghezo

Click here for previous The Review.

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