Monday, June 5, 2023

Curtain Call: Six The Musical

Six: The Musical 9/10

This was a fun ass play! I forgot that I was even going to this with Cam a few weeks ago. We headed to The Pantages to check this out. Now, we all know that this theater has one of the worst sound systems but for whatever reason it was on point that evening. I sat down having zero idea what the show was about or anything. All I knew was that a lot of people in the crowd had little crowns on and a very flamboyant man in the audience I hoped wouldn't ruin the show for me.

This is a story about Henry VIII six ex-wives. They are competing to see who had it the worst while being married to him. One talks about wanting to annul their marriage so he puts her in a nunnery as he chases after wife number two. He cheats on her and she does the same and is beheaded. The third wife couldn't give him a male heir. The next doesn't look like the painting of herself. The next had all the men flirting with her during her life which is pretty much all she was good for. She gets beheaded. The last survived Henry but talks of how she had a great life before being dragged away from her life and forced to marry him. This had good music in all kinds of styles from rock, hip hop, and some crazy ass German club tune. There was no intermission and it was less than an hour and a half so when we left the theater it felt weird but nice. I would definitely see this again.

Khaila Wilcoxon as Catherine of Aragon

Storm Lever as Anne Boleyn

Jasmine Forsberg as Jane Seymour

Olivia Donalson as Anna of Cleves

Didi Romero as Katherine Howard

Gabriela Carrillo as Catherine Parr

Click here for previous Curtain Call.

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