Monday, October 9, 2023

Documentality: The Stroll

The Stroll 9/10

I watched this documentary called The Stroll and kept having flashbacks of my life as a male my mind. Actually it reminded me of Hooker At The Point which I watched when I was younger and so should not have been allowed to. This is about Black and Latina trans workers during the 80's and 90's and the massive amount of shit they had to go through. Fighting cops who were arresting them and sleeping with them. Being attacked for just being alive. This isn't all depressing though because while some did not survive the ones that did are alive and well and still fighting for trans rights. The area that they worked was known as The Stroll and when they go to it in present day it is very gentrified. It doesn't even look like the same place anymore. I would suggest people who are into watching activists being active (which I am not and am not) and wanting to learn more about a world that you're not familiar with. If you are one of those people that are scared of things that are different you should definitely watch this.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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