Monday, November 27, 2023

The Review: Gayni**ers From Outer Space

Gayni**ers From Outer Space WTF/10

Miss Jackie sent me a video on Instagram that asked “What space movie came out in 1992?” I Googled this and the answer was Gayni**ers From Outer Space. I found it on Youtube and will be typing my thoughts as I watch Tiger King style. Let me see what this movie could possibly be about.

Gayjack Movies in the credits? Now they just playing in my face.

Why does this voice over sound like Unicron from Transformers?

Hearing someone say the title out loud makes it sound worse.

Planet Anus?! Come on...

This movie looks it was shot on a potato. There are only three colors: black, white, and blacker!

Did they say Captain Beatdick?!

This movie is dubbed like a kung fu flick.

Oh, no. They found Earth. Go a-way! They found women are there and are afraid.

Ew! I can see their whole dicks in these disco space pants!

The “relaxing room” just got a gurney in it.

The more I hear this gayni**er word the worse it sounds. I'm not getting used to it.

This looks like an old UMC's video.

Wait. They straight up stole the SWAT theme song! I know this damn song!

It looks like they in the meat packing district. You'll find women...and some women with more than you asked for.

This white woman offered him sex and he shot her with a laser gun! The slowest working laser gun!

Sgt. Shaveballs...? They watching folks kiss and horrified by it. They wanna save all men from oppression by women.

So its like prison rules? Get rid of all women and men gonna just start fucking each other? Is that how it works?

If it takes a full ten seconds to get rid of two women in the middle of the Ukraine, getting rid of all women gonna takes decades! Yo! The men are happy! He prancing away! Like literally prancing away!

Oh, they being real racist towards Asians. The women sound like banjos. Asian dude happy these yelling women got evaporated. This movie is a fever dream.

Now the Germen women are mostly blond and hate dark skin. This outta be interesting. Guess they couldn't find a blond woman. He zapped the woman and gave the guy a kiss on the cheek.

Now they picking one of them to lead men and how for guys to give birth to only male children. No thank you! They have to stick their hands into the holy asshole. Thank god this is less than half an hour long.

This dude has to get a new body. Lets see what they do.

Oh, god! He turned himself into a pudgy, white man and these guys love it!

So with women gone men just swim around and frolic. Seems legit.

He being blessed with holy gayni**er seed! Its cum! Its cuuuuuuuuuuum!!!

Wow. What the actual fuck was that? It felt like I was watching someone's nightmare come to life. It wasn't funny so much as made me wonder what combination of drugs thought this up and gathered enough people together to want to film it. Now, this was made in 1992 and by then we should've known better, as humans, to make a movie like this. Maybe not in a Dutch country. I wouldn't suggest you watch this. Poor Miss Jackie already had and wanted to make sure I did because she wants to fight me or something.

    Coco P. Dalbert as ArmInAss

    Sammy Saloman as Capt. B. Dick

    Gerald F. Hail as D. Ildo

    Gbatokai Dakinah as Sgt. Shaved Balls

    Konrad Fields as Mr. Schwul

    Johnny Conny Tony Thomas as The Gay Ambassador

Click here for previous The Review.

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