Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Review: The Horrors Of Dolores Roach

The Horrors Of Dolores Roach 9/10

So over a month ago Cam told me about this show on Amazon (they tend to hide their best shows by the way) called The Horrors Of Dolores Roach. I watched the first episode with her and was very much intrigued. But then as the weeks went by and I was watching all my other shows and movies and such I kept saying to myself that I need to finish the show and watch it and kept putting it off and then finally within one day I watched the last seven episodes. Each episode is half an hour or less so it really flies by.

This is about this lady named Dolores who gets out of prison after doing sixteen years after taking the fall for her drug dealing boyfriend Dominic. So when she returns home to Washington Heights the entire neighborhood looks completely different. The only place that looks the same is this empanada shop and it's run by this guy who when she went into prison was a young boy named Luis. He ends up letting her stay with him because she has no place to go. She has no friends around, no one in the neighborhood can help her, and nobody wants to hire her because she just did sixteen years in prison for selling drugs and assaulting a police officer. She ends up giving him a massage one day and he tells her how great she is. She we find out that she learned how to give massages from a lady in prison who did not have hands. It's very odd.

So Luis comes up with the idea to have her start charging people for massages in one of the rooms inside the empanada shop. One day Luis is arguing with the landlord because he has not paid rent in months. Delores tries to calm each of them down and ends up offering the landlord massage. They get downstairs and she's giving them a massage and he's getting more and more racist and dickish as she's giving him a massage and she just snaps. Literally she snaps. She jumps on his back chokes him out and strangles him to death. She don't know what to do with this damn dead body. She leaves the shop freaking out about what to do and being afraid of going back into prison and when she returns back to the shop the body is gone.

Next thing you know Luis is selling a brand new type of empanada called Muy Loco that everyone loves. So as everybody's chowing down on this new empanada with this mystery meat Dolores starts to realize that Luis has used the meat from the landlord to make these things. Luis ends up letting Dolores know that he's been in love with her for a very long time and she's kind of like “Okay...” and goes along with it. The shop is doing fantastic. They're doing a lot of business and then suddenly the landlords son shows up with the police. He's trying to find out where his father is because it's not like him the vanish like this and Luis is like “Oh I spoke to him over the phone” and ends up making the boy eat one of the empanadas that has his father's meat in it. Dolores is grossed out by this shit and ends up getting rid of the rest of the meat that Luis had ready to prepare for the empanadas.

She ends up meeting with this lady who was a rival drug dealer and offers to give her a massage. She leaves the room for a second to prepare to massage this woman and think she's going to have to do something kind of lesbian like and she comes back in the woman is slicing her massage table up thinking that there's drugs inside that she's been cutting in on her business. They start fighting like crazy and next thing you know Dolores breaks her neck. Dolores at this point has now killed two people. Luis is happy because now he has more meat for his empanadas. Dolores ends up going back to prison to visit the lady who taught her massages and ask for her help to find Dominic her old boyfriend who is vanished.

This lady named Ruthie is a private investigator and she says that Dominique died in 2007 like four years after Dolores was put in jail. The son of the landlord is still around and he's starting to develop a relationship with Nellie who works with Luis at the empanada shop. They have a whole little crush on each other and Dolores isn't a huge fan of it because that means this boy is going to be around more while his father's being served to customers. Luis ends up using the landlord's cell phone and tricking the son into thinking that he's still alive so the son doesn't use the private investigator that Dolores had hired to find Dominic. Luis ends up giving oral sex to Dolores which is a very awkward scene and I will not describe all the different things that happened I will just say it was very odd. He also says that Dominic never died in the Dominican Republican. Delores ends up trying to find Dominic's grandmother and ask about his death but she won't talk to Dolores.

This drug dealer who works for the woman that Dolores had killed gets a massage from her and she asked him about any allergies and he says he has a nut allergy. Well guess what? She use coconut oil and accidentally kills this man. That is now three people that she has killed. Luis is happy because it's a whole lot of meat. Oh I forgot to mention that the private investigator Ruthie ends up finding the drug dealers body and they get into a fight and the private investigator is just like “I'm not going to say anything I don't like cops I don't want to involve the cops” but Dolores doesn't believe her. So they end up fighting some more next thing you know the drug dealers body lands on top of her the drug dealer wakes up because Dolores had uses EpiPen but did not think that it worked. Dolores ends up stabbing him to death and strangling Ruthie at the same time. All the while there's this guy Jeremiah who was Luis' meat man who's been getting more and more suspicious because suddenly his business is doing great and he has not been bringing him as much me as he used to. The meat man actually ends up putting together what's actually going on but they let him know and he actually knows that nobody's going to believe him because he's into a lot of crazy conspiracy theories.

Luis and Delores end up making a deal with the landlord son to sell the place and get whole new identities. All of a sudden the pipes break in the building and there's a whole bunch of blood coming through them and Luis ends up fixing that. By the way I have not mentioned how fucking weird Luis is. Yes, Dolores is out here choking and snapping necks but Luis is enjoying cooking people. And anytime she does something he knows what she's up to in terms of looking for her ex-boyfriend and different things. He's very obsessive and creepy but he's kind of charming. One day after Dolores went and visited an old friend at a college after getting a clue from Dominic's grandmother. She tries to have sex with Louise and she lifts his shirt and looks down his pants and it turns out that he's castrated. He has some crazy sexual trauma that happened to him when he was younger and ended up pouring a whole bunch of hot grease all over his front.

The next day the landlord's son is hanging out in the kitchen about to make dinner about to make breakfast for Nellie and he ends up finding his father's head in the freezer so Dolores snaps his neck killing him. Now Nellie is freaking out because she's like his father's missing all these other people are missing and now my new boyfriend is missing. Later that day this lady comes to visit who tried to get Dolores a job earlier in the season and she's being so fucking annoying that when Dolores kills her I do not feel bad because she told her to just shut up and she wouldn't and she ends up killing her. The meat man arrives and rushing into the place and ends up getting pushed over by Luis and he falls and cracks his mouth and Luis holds Dolores back from saving him so now he's dead. Dolores ends up fighting Luis by surprise and dunks his face into a vat of boiling grease, hops in the meat truck, and leaves. Meanwhile Nellie is being arrested by the police.

This show began with Dolores free somehow and seeing a live stage version of her life and it ends with her finding a guy who did a podcast about it and making him tell her where Dominic may be. This was a really good and crazy ass show. It's gory at parts. It's funny at parts. It manages this really delicate balance of being a lot and also not enough at the same time. I am really hoping for one more season of the show. This is not one of those shows I can go three, four, five, six seasons. Two seasons of this show would be perfect. It just sucks that she's killed so many people they're going to have to introduce new characters.

    Justina Machado as Dolores Roach

    Alejandro Hernandez as Luis Batista

    Kita Updike as Nellie Morris

    K. Todd Freeman as Jeremiah

    Marc Maron as Gideon Pearlman

    Judy Reyes as Marcie

    Jessica Pimentel as Flora Frias

    Jean Yoon as Joy

    Jeffery Self as Caleb Sweetzer

    Cyndi Lauper as Ruthie

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