Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Documentality: Love Has Won The Cult Of Mother God

Love Has Won 8/10

Last week L. and I watched this crazy ass documentary called Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God. This is about this lady named Amy Carlson who started a cult called Love Has Won. What is the point of this cult? What was their main goal? What is their mission statement? I have no idea. I have looked online I have watched other videos about this group of people and I have absolutely no idea what the point of it was. From these three episodes it seems like she had a pretty normal life. She also has an abusive husband and different relationships and then one day she quit her job at McDonald's and left her kids behind. Next thing you know she's with this old man and they're doing a bunch of seemingly hippie stuff together. She ends up leaving him and some other men that she ends up calling Father God until she settles on this one guy who is so crazy seeming it is scary.

These people ended up bouncing around the country landing in Hawaii and getting kicked out of Hawaii and ended up back on the mainland. They would sell different potions and tonics that were supposed to help you ascend. One of them was colloidal silver which Amy drink a lot of to the point that when she died she was actually blue. The more I read about this group of people the sadder they seem because all the people who joined up with them seem to be running away from something. They end up hitching a ride with this lady and next thing you know dead celebrity personalities are taking over her body and screaming at them for getting the meals wrong. At one point she ends up telling them that they can't sleep or eat anymore while she eats lavish meals and sleeps but she says she's meditating.

There's all kind of drug use going on from her all kind of mental issues and so much nonsense that was not covered in this documentary. I would suggest everybody check this out because it is fascinating from the very beginning. Like literally the very first scene is police coming into this house and finding a mummified blue woman wrapped up in a sleeping bag with Christmas lights all over her body. I needed to know how we got to this point. We watch this on Max and like I said it's only three episodes and they have so many other documentaries on there that are worth checking out but I would seriously suggest you watch this one first. It also helps if you watch it with someone or you know someone else who saw it so you can both sit there and ask a lot of questions that there are no answers to. The reason why I didn't give this a higher rating is because I still don't know what the point of this cult was, they didn't have the money man who got away speak, and they left out some of the more hateful shit this group was into.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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