Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Review: Christmas Of Yes

Christmas Of Yes 6/10

I have a lot of Christmas movie reviews to do so I'm going to be trying to knock out the easier ones first. The first movie that L and I watched was called Christmas Of Yes. This is about a woman named Amy who does nothing but work. She's not interesting. That seems to be a premise of a lot of holiday movies that involve women who are very busy. They have no life and all there is is work and they don't have time for relationships or friends or anything. They just work. They have no personality. So she goes into work where she is high up and very well respected and loved by everybody because not only does she work hard, but she also makes incredibly good coffee. So at work they tell her after a merger that she is no longer needed. She ends up getting fired right before the holidays. To cheer her up her brother and his boyfriend decide to make a bet with her that until Christmas she cannot refuse anything and must say yes to whatever they ask or anyone else ask her to do. This sounds incredibly dangerous but I'll go with it.

So they end up taking her to an improv show and the improv show is pretty damn terrible and she gets pulled up on stage because she says yes to everything and she feels like crap because they're making fun of the fact that she lost her job. After the show one of the guys whose name is Nico and her go back and forth and you can tell, okay, these two are going to end up together. He breaks her out of her shell and encourages her to do something with her coffee and start a small business and she helps him to get computers for the school that he works at because he's a teacher. They have a small little amount of drama and that's because these movies need a small amount of drama but they end up getting together. I liked this movie because there was no typical drama like a movie usually does. Nico's friend Zuri doesn't secretly love him and try to sabotage the new relationship or anything. These two people end up together after she gets rehired at her job she ends up quitting it and focusing more on her coffee and they all live happily ever after.

Michele Weaver

Jeff Pierre

Ian Collins

Karen Holness

Tenika Davis

Click here for previous The Review.

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