Friday, December 29, 2023

The Review: The Shop Around The Corner

The Shop Around The Corner 8/10

Now this was a cute ass movie. The Shop Around The Corner is about this guy named Alfred who's a salesman at a shop. There's a lot of different coworkers and I like all of them and everybody's cool except this one dude who is a cheating ass cheat. One day this lady comes in pretending to look for help and it turns out she's actually looking for a job. Her name is Klara. It turns out that she's good at selling things to people so she ends up getting hired and the entire time her and Alfred are at each other's throats. Alfred has been writing to someone as pen pals and it's turned into a full blown relationship. They've never met each other but he is in love with this woman. Meanwhile at the shop the boss has been acting meaner and meaner to Alfred and it turns out it's because he thinks that Alfred has been sleeping with his wife. We find out who was sleeping with his wife but not before his boss tries to blow his own brains out because of his wife stepping out. Thankfully the delivery boy manages to stop him before he killed himself. One night when he supposed to go finally meet her (after being fired from his job) his coworker looks into the restaurant and it turns out that it's Klara. Alfred heads inside and starts talking to her and of course she treats him the same as she usually does and they go their separate ways and it appears that she's been stood up.

Alfred ends up being put in charge of the shop and roughing up and firing the cheating man. He eventually reveals to Klara that it was him that was writing the letters but not until after he pretends he met the guy and just pretty much makes a guy sound like a slouch. I probably would have liked this a little more if they had shown a part of Klara that was actually likable. If she was like she was in the letters that he got from her I would understand why he liked her. After she explained that in some of the stories she read that you treat a man badly and he's supposed to like you more I got it...some. We are all adults we do not need to play these games anymore. If you like somebody you let them know that you like them you don't treat them like crap and expect them to still fall in love with you. I liked that this movie had very few settings and all of the characters were clearly defined. There was no wasted scenes. And this movie seemed to fly by even though it was 99 minutes long. L. does not believe that this is a holiday movie but I saw some Christmas in it and we watched in December so it is now a holiday movie. I would definitely watch this one again.

    Margaret Sullavan as Klara Novak

    James Stewart as Alfred Kralik

    Frank Morgan as Hugo Matuschek

    Joseph Schildkraut as Ferencz Vadas

    Sara Haden as Flora Kaczek

    Felix Bressart as Pirovitch

    William Tracy as Pepi Katona

    Inez Courtney as Ilona Novotny

Click here for previous The Review.

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