Monday, January 15, 2024

Documentality: Curry and Cyanide

Curry And Cyanide 8/10

Another documentary we watched was called Curry and Cyanide. It's the tale of this lady named Jolly Joseph who and India killed six people. You can guess how she did it. Her first victim was her mother-in-law who she gave a glass of water too with some cyanide in it. Next was her father-in-law followed shortly by her own husband. By the time she was done she had killed one more person, a child, and the mother of that child so she could be with the husband. This was insane to hear about but the crazy thing is when I watch some of these documentaries and I look at the years that this stuff was occurring it's just like “oh yeah life was real strange around that time.” Like, if anything insane happened between 2019 and 2021 chances are I missed out on it. The thing about this lady that bugs me so much other than the fact that she was a murderer was that she would straight up be at these people's funerals standing over their caskets knowing good and damn well that she hadn't murdered them. She would have gotten caught sooner if they had done autopsies on some of these bodies and understood the fact that women could kill. I also like that they had real people involved in this case interviewed. There weren't strange reenactments really of things happening and they spoke to people involved in having her caught including her sister-in-law and one of her two children. This is on Netflix and is a really quick watch.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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