Monday, January 15, 2024

Documentality: Hell Camp

Hell Camp 7/10

A few weeks ago L. and I watched this documentary called Hell Camp on Netflix. This was nuts. Its about a “camp” where your parents pay a lot of money for you to be kidnapped from your home, taking to Utah, and forced to hike hundreds of miles in the desert. Okay, but really it's for out of control teens and this program set up by this guy named Steve is supposed to whip you into shape. It did eventually get shut down and by shut down I mean moved to a new location until a 16 year old girl actually died. So what happens is you are a teen in the 80s or 90s and smoking weed and drinking and just being a general nuisance. Your parents are sitting at home watching Donahue and they see this guy Steve show up and talks about how you should be dealing with your out of control teenagers. Mind you we later find out that his son is also out of control and ends up at one of these places along with his another child of Steve's who ends up with drug issues as well. So they take you out of your house, throw you on the plane, drop you off in this desert, and the next thing you know Macho Man Randy Savage is screaming in your face.

So after the girl dies because they're making him hike 500 miles in the damned desert they end up changing locations to a boat and on this boat they're just jumping from island to island, not following any laws and instead of being dehydrated now they're being attacked by bugs and wildlife. One girl ends up being sexually assaulted. If my parents had done something like this to me I don't think I would have come out good on the other side of it. I probably would have gone back to doing what I was doing before but way worse or silently plotted something against my parents for doing something like this to me. And like I said about his son was also being sent to this place. His wife had to get a job and I think we were supposed to feel bad for her at this point. And we also find out that Steve is alleged to have sexually assaulted a young girl under his care as well. This was a super jacked up situation and the fact that there are still places like this running around the country is horrifying. This is this is one of the few non-cult-related documentaries that we have watched recently. But I assure you there are more coming.

Click here for previous Documentality.

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