Monday, March 18, 2024

The Review: Night Of The Comet

Night Of The Comet 7/10

This was such an 80's movie! I had heard of it and thought I knew how it ended but I was wrong. I think I was picturing another meteor movie where folks eyes melted at the end. L. didn't dig this movie as much as I did. Everyone is excited about this comet passing by the Earth that hasn't happened since the damned dinosaurs. There is a girl named Reggie who is boning down with a coworker at a theater they work at and her little sister who is in high school is named Samantha. Reggie is also mad at someone beating her high score at a game. Someone known as DMK. They live with their stepmom who punches the younger daughter the night of the comet celebration while Reggie passes out after getting 80's style sex the long way. Let's not fly by that. The stepmother put the girl on the floor Mommie Dearest style. The comet flies over and my Black ass would have run inside so fast. Back in 2020 jets flew over and I thought it was the end of the world. If I am outside and the sky turns into Studio 54 I'm leaping back into my apartment!

The next morning Reggie wakes up and her dude is mad someone didn't show up to the job to deliver bootleg films and he leaves. She eventually makes it outside after waiting and sees a monkey wrench with blood on the ground before she is attacked by a 80's style zombie crackhead. She defeats him with mad fighting skills and rides through the city on her dudes motorcycle and sees that no one is outside or on the roads. There are piles of clothes randomly strewn about with red dust where people should be. Her sister Samantha is oblivious to all of this. She survived because she went to sleep in the shed and wakes up dressed for cheer leading school and eating Raisin Bran. Yeah. What brave soul eats that specific brand of cereal before heading to school or doing flips?

Oh, I forgot to mention this. The wall of the theater and the shed was lined with steel. That is important. The sisters end up at a radio station that seems to be live and find out its all pre-recorded. Suddenly this guy named Hector bursts in with a gun. He stayed in the back of his steel work truck and didn't catch whatever the comet was dropping. They are not sure what to do but Hector wants to see if his family is still alive. Reggie doesn't want him to leave and seems into him. Its like the dude she boned less than twenty four hours ago doesn't exist. Samantha ia mad because she wanna fuck something.

Hector gets to his moms place and is chased out by a zombie child. Meanwhile there's a lab where they are trying to find a cure for the people becoming mutants. They left vents open and fans going so their underground place got infected. Idiots. They find out where the girls are because the younger sister decided to start broadcasting on the radio. Not sure how she learned how to control the station but whatever. 80's.

The sisters decide to go looking for weapons and now have all the guns and can use them because father is in the military. That is a very 80's movie thing. Whatever your parents did you have the ability to do no matter what. You could be like “My mother is a scientist” and whip together explosives. After gun shopping they end up in a mall and its time for a montage! While trying on clothes these creepy ass dudes are watching them on camera. Turns out the stock boys have gone feral during this one day period of the apocalypse. They get into a fire fight before the scientists show up and rescue them. And by rescue they kill the younger sister and take the other away with some small children trying to find a cure. But psych! One of the scientists is sick and doesn't kill the younger sister but kills the other scientists and then herself.

The rest of the movie is a series of crazy events that end with them escaping and taking family photos together with the young kids they saved, Hector, and Reggie. Samantha is assed out because as far as they know everyone on Earth is dead. That is until a car speeds by almost killing her and its a young dude. She immediately gets into his car with him and as they drive off his license plate says “DMK.” The end. This is a cheesy ass 80's movie but I liked it for that reason. There is no clear explanations as to why people turned to red dust or some became zombies or why steel was the material that saved people. I don't know if you had to look at the comet to die or what. It don't matter. Its not like they could explain it to me and I'd go “Oh, you're right” and go about my day. Sometimes you gotta watch a movie from when you were a child and laugh at the clothes, hair, and the fact people went to malls to hang out for hours.

Catherine Mary Stewart as Regina "Reggie" Belmont

Kelli Maroney as Samantha "Sam" Belmont

Robert Beltran as Hector Gomez

Click here for previous The Review.

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