Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Review: The Vince Staples Show

The Vince Staples Show 10/10

I had no idea this show existed until L. mentioned it this past weekend. The way Netflix is set up I likely would not have even had this suggested to me. I'm glad it exists because I would love more shows like this. It has been compared to Atlanta in some ways. I have watched that show on and off and to me it felt like a alternate reality where people know Vince Staples is a rapper or they don't know who he is and do not care at all. There are only five episodes (British style) and they run less than half an hour each with one going for only eighteen. I for real cracked up watching this multiple times and wanted more but was happy with what I got. The reason why I gave it such a high score is that I have zero complaints about this show and no suggestions on what could have made it better.

This is about various days in Vince's life. The first episode is about him being pulled over for speeding and not being able to find anyone to bail him out. He doesn't want to bother his girlfriend because she works double shifts. His mother won't bail him out even though he just bailed her out the previous week. There is this guy trying to perform for him in the hopes of doing a song together. Oh, and this big ass dude that wants to murder him and is known for shanking folks. The police go between fucking with him (singing his lyrics at him) and being rather nice and polite.

The next episode is about Vince wanting a loan for a new cereal business (which comes into play and wordplay in the last episode in a fucked up way) and being turned down because rapper money is not enough for this place. They get held up by a group dressed as Dead Presidents and they know Vince. They end up flirting with staff, having deep conversations, and later realize that the vault with all the money is actually empty because a more professional crew hit it already.

The family reunion episode was probably the funniest one. Vince's mother hates his girlfriend. His mother makes some macaroni which the girlfriend doesn't think is all that important. Vince says she may get killed for such a statement. They get to the picnic and there is already some mac and cheese and the mother goes on a hunt for who made it. Meanwhile Vince talks to his uncle James (OJ...) and his other shady uncle.

The theme park episode was fucking crazy. Vince doesn't not want to take his lady and her nephews. He bumps into a mascot and gets jumped after going on a strange hunt for some chicken. His lady gets accused of stealing and then does. This was a strange episode but made sense in the context of this show. By this point we know that Long Beach is weird and anything can happen. It was like the worst day ever until the final episode.

Vince is invited to his old school to speak to the children. A drug deal goes down between some kids in the bathroom and one kid says that his father knows Vince. Vince leaves at the end of the day and is shot at by this kids dad. We never find out why. He gets chased and runs into the home of this old White dude who tells him where the gun is. Vince takes it and gets chased further by this guy who has his son in the car. Vince runs into a swapmeet where he confronts the guy and shoots him in the head and waves to his son who is still seated in the car. Then the show is done and we were like “I wonder what he did to piss that dude off so much!” Another season of this would be cool if they use this exact format. Short episodes. Same crew. Same writers. It was really good.

Click here for previous The Review.

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