Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Review: Fallout

Fallout 9/10

This was a damn good show. I know about the Fallout video games and watched a play through of one of them years ago, but have no attachment to whether or not it is similar to the game in terms of characters or anything. From shows I listen to you do not have to have any knowledge of the game to enjoy this. It starts off with this guy named Cooper Howard. He is a cowboy at a kids birthday party being mocked by some of the adults there. His daughter Janey is there with him. She asks why he didn't want to do a thumbs up like the men asked for photos and he eventually tells her it relates to seeing explosion sizes in the distance. Minute later as everyone ignores the news of the president in hiding and nuclear threats she spots a huge smoke cloud in the distance. They witness an explosive shockwave and run away on a horse while the neighbors fight one another for bomb shelter space.

Centuries later Lucy MacLean is being interviewed. She lists all her skills and accomplishments. We find out that this is so she can marry someone from another vault and have kids because there are a lot of cousins down there. Yeah, the world as far as she knows lives in vaults and above ground is just radiation and violence. She meets her new husband and they have a wedding where her vault, 33, trades seeds and supplies for a new husband and sperm. Yeah. After they have sex and he wipes his dick off on the curtains she hears a scream. Meanwhile her brother checks out the other vault and sees that is has been wrecked for quite some time. Raiders!!! Everyone is being slaughtered. Lucy is attached and stabbed by her new husband until she smashes his face with glass and her father finishes him off. He gets captured and is forced to choose between saving her or letting everyone else die. He, her father Hank, chooses her, and is kidnapped by this lady Lee Moldaver. Before leaving Moldaver says that Lucy looks like her mom who is dead.

Lucy decides to leave the vault against the wishes of everyone and ventures out. Another character is Maximus. He wants to be promoted with the Brotherhood of Steel. They are some mech suited dudes traveling around dealing justice. He has a friend who is the only person that supports him. Everyone kicks his ass daily even his superiors. One morning after finding out his friend was promoted a razor is placed in their boot. Maximus is accused of is causing their injury and accepts that he may be killed. He ends up taking their spot and being placed with an asshole. He and his Knight Titus are sent to find a scientist and his dog. They are attacked by a bear and instead of helping his Knight (which I wouldn't have either) he takes his suit to continue the mission.

The last character introduced is the Ghoul. He is dug from a grave and hired to find the scientist as well. This is Cooper who is still alive after 200 years and a mutant now. There are other mutants and if they do not take this particular drug they become feral as hell. He is an incredible shooter and does not play games with folks. I do not want to get too much more into him because there becomes a lot of spoilers and I want people to still check this show out. It is very violent but don't let that turn you off. I suggested it to a friend who is not into that and thoroughly enjoyed it and finished before I did. 

The characters are not as one dimensional and they start off at. Like, the innocent ass woman not gonna stay that way. The well seeming guy isn't gonna seem as such later. The monsters just may be the innocent victims in all this. This is a surprisingly good show and I wish they had released one episode a week.

Ella Purnell as Lucy MacLean

Aaron Moten as Maximus

Kyle MacLachlan as Hank MacLean

Moisés Arias as Norm MacLean

Xelia Mendes-Jones as Dane

Walton Goggins as The Ghoul/Cooper Howard

Click here for previous The Review.

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