Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Can I Finish?!": Internet Nonsense

If you use the internet you will be bombarded with ads trying to get you to click on them to get shit you don’t need. This is known to anyone that has spent more than five minutes in front of a computer. From ways to make money, save money, get sex, get more sex, or how to make yourself look younger. I don’t know about you, but I was not a good looking youngster and no cream could make me wanna go back to that stage of my life.

Earlier this evening an ad popped up on the side of my screen that pissed me off. I don’t know if humans are behind this or just a robot that does not know the difference between a male and a female. Hint robot overlords: Females are the ones shoving the males in front when you clamp your mighty robot hands on us during the eventual takeover. Does this look like a 42 year old man to you?

                                                    “I’m totally a dude, bro!”

What jackass would actually click on that ad expecting to learn how to save money? Sadly, I bet there are hundreds if not thousands of people clicking on it right now. Some of you probably clicked on the image I posted just to check that girl out. Then there are the ones that make you shake your head in wonder.

                                        If they’re so smart why are they dead?

That’s the chick who starved herself until she was brain damaged Terri Schiavo and universally known nerd Albert Einstein. I guess Skynet just saw “Brain” and added him for shits and giggles though I doubt computers have the ability to laugh at anything but our struggle. Then there is the ever present penis enlargement ads.

                               This is what every woman wants in their face!

Seriously, I needed that entire block to censor a CGI penis. They could have at least combed his pubes. That crotch has more curls than Shirley Temple. If you ever go on a porn site (I mean, I never do…) you will see ads promising that if you take a pill that your penis will grow 4 inches in a month. Think about that for a second. 4 extra inches of man meat in your pants. I’m not saying I’m Mr. Marcus or Lexington Steele but 4 extra inches would make me have to change my entire wardrobe. I would have to start a new life based around my crotchal region.

                                             Techno Viking Does Not Approve.

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