Monday, September 5, 2011

Gossip & Shit September 5th 2011

“Rapper” Soulja Boy managed to piss off troops with his lyrics. “Get in line” everyone who has heard his music said., the best website on Earth, wants to buy Kim Kardashian’s sex tape and put it online for free. Way to do God’s work, fellas!

People are boycotting Dancing With The Stars because Chaz Bono is gonna be on it. I’m not boycotting it. I just hate that show.

The Westboro Baptist Church is going after Kevin Smith for his Red State movie. Must mean he did something right.

Chris Brown found the fan who found his lost Rolex from the VMA’s. Whether or not he has punched her in the face yet remains to be seen.

Wrestler Kurt Angle was arrested for a DUI…again. This is like an annual event!

Sarah Palin ran a marathon and came in second. She is the definition of “hate f*ck.” Look it up.

Singer Prince has to cough up almost $4 million for a perfume he never promoted. Who wouldn’t want to smell like a 4 foot 7 Black man that wears glitter? Anyone?

Kendall Jenner (Kardashian by proxy) wants to be with Justin Bieber. Run, boy, run!

Orlando Brown from That’s So Raven was apparently super drunk when he was arrested for DUI. What’s with all the drunk driving? If only there was some way to get home safely if one were drinking. We should start a pay driving service. Call them “cabs” or something crazy.

And for no reason Kate Winslet!

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