Sunday, September 4, 2011

Theater Whore: Apollo 18 & Horrible Bosses

This time I’m gonna give you all a twofer since neither one of these films warrants a full review. And yes, there will be spoilers. Up first is Apollo 18 starring Warren Christie, Lloyd Owen and Ryan Robbins as three astronauts manning the Apollo 18 spacecraft.

The format of the movie is kinda strange and could’ve been awesome if used in moderation. Cameras from the shuttle and the crew members tell the tale of two of the astronauts walking on the moon and collecting specimens. There are strange happenings going on however and if you happen to miss them because of the grainy camera ass camera the shot actually pauses and focuses on what you should’ve been able to see.

The movie stays pretty much at this weird pace where as soon as it starts to get good it jumps to a later scene. This would have been cute once or twice. But not all the damned time! I get what the film is supposed to be like. Found footage where you get glimpses of what happened. They did it with District 9 at certain points but properly. This movie makes it feel like you are paying for half a movie.

The creatures on the moon are underwhelming and the ending very predictable. By the time one of the guys gets killed you saw it coming a mile away. When I first saw the trailer for this I was excited. They managed to trick me good. It really looks like a great suspenseful film but it turned out to be nothing but a really big letdown.

Horrible Bosses is a movie about three guys (Charlie Day, Jason Bateman, and Jason Sudeikis) who have bad bosses (Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey, and Colin Farrell) that they want to kill. They hire a killer off the internet that doesn’t work out before finding someone (Jamie Foxx) that turns out to be a murder consultant.

This movie had its moments but it took close to 20 minutes in before I started laughing at something. The funny parts (not just chuckles) get going but by the time that they do the plot begins to get convoluted. They decide to kill each others bosses and it all goes to shit after that. One boss murders another and they get a taped confession. The sexually harassing boss gets blackmailed into paying for a honeymoon. Not really as much revenge as the other two guys whose boss is shot and the other is in prison for 25 to life.

The funniest parts took place in Colin Farrell’s home. The accidental cocaine snorting and scrubbing ass with his toothbrush (which comes back to haunt them) made me crack up. Also that damned cat. Other than that I cant think of anything off the top of my head that made me truly laugh or want to recommend this movie to friends. I guess rent it when it comes out. And if you want to see Kevin Spacey as a real horrible boss, just rent Swimming With Sharks. Same premise, less nonsense.

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