Monday, November 21, 2011

"Bad Mamma Jamma": Gina Carano

“When I first came into this sport I was looking around for somebody who had come in before me and had paved the way, and I just didn’t see it at that time. I figured I would do it how I wanted to do it.” Gina Carano

You ever want to bone someone but the fear of being cock punched kept you from speaking to a woman? I do. All the time. But specifically with this weeks Bad Mamma Jamma Gina Carano. She is a MMA (mixed martial arts not monkeys munching apples) fighter and could kill you twice before you hit the ground. Even when she is fighting and has her hair all prison style she still looks hot. There’s only three fighters that are fuckable and I only know two of their names. She looks better than the ring girls. My dick is shoot afraid of her. If she even looked at me sideways I would have two belly buttons.

When I first saw her fight I was like “She’s cute as hell but I bet she…oh. Damn. She is beating the hell out that other woman. Wow. That was quick…” Which is probably what she would say to me as I rolled from underneath her. Because I don’t think you bang Gina Carano. She bangs you! Aah! The fucker quickly becomes the fuckey! Did you know she was on American Gladiators? No, not the old one where if you watch it now everyone looks like they were buggering one another. The newer one where people got fucked up. Her name was Crush. Rumor has it a former boyfriend came up with the name after having sex with her. His penis now looks like an hourglass.

Uh…I don’t think I wanna write anything else. Yowzah bowzah. She dresses like this. I mean…yeah. I have watched boxing since I was a little kid and the weigh ins were always a chance to see a fighter lose their shit and go at it. I don’t know why but scales cause violence. But when Gina fights the room is full of people waiting to see her strip down. You pray for her to not make weight because she starts stripping down to less and less. Women hate women that look hot. How does it feel to hate a woman that looks hot, kicks ass, and can probably apply makeup while doing it? An excellent fighter and--come on! Look at that ass! You could set your watch to that! I don't even know what that means and I don't care.

(edit: I was told that the picture previously posted was not Gina Carano, but whoever she is she deserves a medal, so here's a new one! Thanks Person Who Left No Name!)

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