Monday, November 21, 2011

"Bad Ass Mofo": Bruce Campbell

“Alright you primitive screw heads, listen up. See this? This…is my boomstick!!!” Ash Army Of Darkness

This weeks Bad Ass Mofo has the distinguished record of being the only actor whose autobiography I purchased because I actually gave a damn about their life enough to read about it. Bruce Campbell is one of the best people on the planet and I’m not afraid to say it. Hell, I’d scream it from the mountain if I didn’t hate nature! He has been a BAM for over three decades and manages to get cooler the older he gets. Known as The Chin because he has amazing arms Campbell has lent his talents to movies, TV, cartoons, and animation. He is also known as one of the best reverse actors, something I didn’t even know existed until writing this.

As Ash in the Evil Dead series he has his arm possessed by a demon and instead of curling up into a ball and crying himself to sleep and waking up all demonic he cuts his own hand off and attaches a fucking chainsaw to it! The only other person to attempt that was your drunk uncle and all he got for it was three months disability. Known for his pratfalls and comedic timing he can make you laugh one second, disgust you the next, and then leave you cheering. Campbell currently stars on the popular show Burn Notice but he had a short lived series on Fox years ago that was cancelled well before it should’ve been because, well, that’s what Fox does.

The Adventures Of Brisco County Jr. In it he played a bounty hunter who was joined by previous BAM Julius Carry and hunted a gang that had murdered his father. To promote the show he went around riding a horse at public events. Even after finding out the show was cancelled which couldn’t have been fun for anyone. He has also starred in each Sam Raimi Spiderman movie as a different guy in every one. He’s that awesome! And if you haven’t seen him as a elderly Elvis Presley in Bubba Ho-Tep then you don’t know what you’re missing. Watching him as an aging Elvis fight a mummy with Ozzie Davis as JFK is one of the most spectacular things to ever be filmed. I would watch this man unroll toilet paper for $12. Seriously. Someone make that film!

Bruce Campbell loves his fans but recognizes that they are half insane. People get Evil Dead tattoos. They can quote every line from his films. He seems to be such a nice guy that even though he is constantly doing work, big or small, he seems to be self deprecating about it. He will be acting until he dies which means we will have to reanimate him because a planet without Campbell is a planet that I have no desire to be on. And anytime you hear me say or write the word “Groovy” you can blame him for introducing it into my vocabulary.

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