Monday, November 14, 2011

"Bad Mamma Jamma": Nichelle Nichols

“I'm a fan of the fans. I love them. They're fabulous. I love being around them. I love their madness and their caring. I love watching them take off for a weekend, don the costumes, and become characters from the 23rd century and beyond.” Nichelle Nichols

This weeks Bad Mamma Jamma is Nichelle Nichols. She was born in the early 1930’s and I’d still wreck her. I have to admit that while I have watched some episodes of Star Trek I haven’t seen a shit ton of them. But even when I vaguely knew of the show as a child I saw this hot ass woman on the ship and wondered why she wasn’t being sexually harassed constantly. You all know what I’d do with my holodeck. This woman would be in her Uhura costume so much she wouldn’t even know who she really was anymore. Besides being the first Black actress to put her hands in the cement at the Mann’s Chinese Theater she also had the first on screen kiss between a Black woman and a White male. It was William Shatner and he will kiss and sleep with anything.


Oh, and I don’t know if any of you know it or not but she played a pimp in Truck Turner. Her name was Dorinda. In this film she says such lovely things like “Those two bitches that left they had better learn to sell pussy in Iceland because if I ever see them again I'm gonna cut their fuckin' throats! We are family...and that's what we're gonna stay. Now I got important business out there today. And when I call you, I want you to come out there and shake your asses proper! You hear? Hah? Now get out there and make it look good!” and “I haven't had to sell my pussy since I was fifteen and found out I could sell other bitches' instead.” Pure fucking poetry. See this movie if you haven’t. There is nothing like hearing this beautiful woman say such horrible things.

Back during her time on Star Trek she found out that the network was holding her fan mail. It took fucking Martin Luther King Jr. to convince her not to quit. You know who convinced you to stay at work? Your landlord. Not only is Nichelle Nichols the BMJ of the week, she is also a groundbreaking actress who does not get the amount of respect she deserves. I still stand by my statement that I would wreck her today. Look at this woman. Seriously, even if I was like the most racist of racist I would look at her and be like "Shit. I think we need to consider this whole hate thing..." I really need to stop looking at this picture. This is totally The Munky's fault for suggesting Uhura. I looked up all kinds of pictures of this poor lady. She probably went to sleep scared and didn't know why. Its because a strange Black dude in West Hollywood was thinking about climbing aboard her Rascal and shaming his ancestors. Set phasers to fap.

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