Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gossip & Shit November 30th 2011

Kim Kardashian is still trying to convince the world that she was really in love with Kris Humphries. He allegedly wants her to pay for his lawyer fees. Oh, that would rule so much ass if it happened. He's all like "Fuck you, pay me!" and she's like "No..."

Comedian Patrice O’Neal recently passed away. If you don’t know him check out his standup. He was one of the funniest of all time.

Mariah Yeater who claimed she was knocked up by Justin Bieber is pissed that the actual father, her ex boyfriend, blew the whistle on her dumb ass and is about to get that long paper from doing interviews.

Charlie Sheen is in talks to star in a movie with Nic Cage. God help us all…

T-Boz from TLC (the group not the channel) is filing for bankruptcy. Cant fate leave this fucking woman alone?!

Tyreese was recently admitted into an ER and sent a picture from his Twitter account asking for people to pray for him. It was food poisoning, you pussbot! I had that shit for six days and didn’t go to the doctor. I got it at the doctor! Sometimes I’m too hardcore for my own good.

Conrad Murray is getting four years in prison for helping Michael Jackson die. Good for him.

Lindsay Lohan’s ex girlfriend Samantha Ronson was recently robbed. Yes! I knew I’d find a way to squeeze that name into a story.

The child prostitute that Lawrence Taylor beat off in front of is suing him. Uh, no. You cant do that. That actually doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. You go bye now.

Michael Lohan will be having heart surgery soon. Oh, the things some will do to stay out of prison.

Anna Hathaway is engaged. I don’t…the…the Spank Bank is at its lowest levels since I was in junior high and this one chick graduated. Can we stop with these pregnancies and marriages? Think of what you’re doing to my penis!

And for no reason Layla El!

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