Friday, December 2, 2011

"Can I Finish?!": The Munsters Remakes

Back when I was little there was no such thing as an old show. I watched The Munsters on KTLA like it was a brand new show every weekend. The characters were funny and I loved the way they looked. There was a movie which I wasn’t a fan of because in color they looked very bizarre. Herman Munster wasn’t just green, he was Electric Bugaloo! The Drag-u-la car was so cool it inspired a song by Rob Zombie. I say till this day that The Munsters is still relevant and one of the best ones ever created. There is no way that it could ever be reproduced. With 70 episodes and a year and a half run, almost 50 years later its still aired. No one would be stupid enough to mess with it.

In 1988 a show came on that damn near blew my childish mind. The Munsters was back on but all of a sudden it looked…stupid. They were in color but the color looked weird. Everyone was there but they didn’t look right. I did not grasp the concept of remakes but as I watched I knew that whatever this was I wanted no part of it. This crap had the nerve to actually air for more episodes and years than the original season. You may be wondering why I’m writing about The Munsters. There is now talk of bringing them back once again but with a more serious tone. Don’t. My childhood is constantly recovering from the shit that TV and film does to it. I cant afford to add this to the list.

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