Monday, December 19, 2011

Babbling Old Man: Lethal Weapon 2

Today I decided that after watching Lethal Weapon I had to watch the sequel, Lethal Weapon 2. I know better than to watch the ones after this so I wanted this one to be awesome. It wasn’t. It was as if they took everything that worked in the first film and said “We’re gonna do everything people liked in the first film but triple that shit! More explosions! More cursing! More funny!” It starts off with LAPD Sergeants Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) and Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover) chasing down a couple of cars. There’s a helicopter that shows up and lots of gunfire and two guys get away. They get to one of the cars and the guy escapes but they find a bunch of gold. The bad guys break into Murtaugh’s home and tie him and his wife up and threaten them.

As a way to help they are assigned to watch a money launderer Leo Getz (Joe Pesci). He is annoying as hell and I get it. He’s supposed to be. But the levels of action, comedy, and violence jump back and forth way too much. As soon as they arrive to protect him a guy tries to kill him. Riggs knocks him out the window along with Getz and the three of them survive a seven story drop with no injuries. After a goofy car chase involving a tow truck they arrive to the bad guys place who has “diplomatic immunity.” I looked this up and it’s the shit. You can do almost anything you want! Riggs starts fucking around with this dudes secretary and later Murtaugh has a bomb in his house on the toilet seat. It explodes and he and Riggs survive. I don’t know how but they do.

Riggs starts banging this chick while all the cops involved in the investigation are being killed in the most creative ways. One chick cop jumps off her diving board and it explodes. A group of cops playing poker get blown up. Another one gets shot while exercising. They bring a helicopter and shoot the shit out of Riggs trailer. He gets away for a while but then gets knocked out and tied up. After finding out that this one bad guy is the one that killed his wife, he is thrown off a dock and escapes, kills two guys and swears revenge. Murtaugh gets attacked and kills two dudes with a nail gun. Oh, and the chick Riggs just banged is tied up and dead in the water he escaped from. I almost forgot that part.

They track down the main bad guy at the pier and find a shipping crate full of cash. They get locked in but thankfully a car is inside that is full of gas and they crash through the door spilling millions of dollars into the water. Murtaugh takes out a bunch of guys while Riggs fights the wife killer who uses kung fu. But before that he throws a knife the size of a fucking arm into his leg. Riggs still wins and drops the giant crate on the guy. Then he is shot. Murtaugh sees the main bad guy who shouts “Diplomatic immunity!” and gets a bullet in the head. End with the two partners laughing and covered in blood. That’s how my Sundays end. Very meh.


  1. If you haven't seen them I would recommend Tango and Cash, A Low Down Dirty Shame, Demolition Man, Time-Cop and The last Boy Scout. Hopefully there is one that you haven't seen in that list. Also I would recommend a movie called Motorama, its like road warrior with a kid.

  2. I have not seen Tango and Cash. I galnced at Low Down Dirty Shame, Time Cop, and The Last Boy Scout. Demolition Man rules. I'm gonna look up Motorama now. I know that trailer was insane.
