Saturday, December 24, 2011

Theater Whore: Rubber

Cam told me about this movie called Rubber and I thought she was making it all up or dreamed she had actually watched it. It’s the story of a tire that is alive and has psychokinetic abilities. That means it can blow shit up just by looking at it and concentrating. I have wished for this ability since childhood and have yet to master it. Yet. The premise alone made it worth checking out so I did. And now I cant get those eighty some odd minutes back.

The movie starts off with a bunch of chairs in a desert being knocked over by a car. A cop climbs out of the trunk and begins to point out ridiculous facts about great films of history and how nothing makes sense. So you should just sit and watch this and try not to make any sense of it. I’m cool with that. Hudson Hawk is one of my favorite films. I can not think…to a certain point. After about half an hour my mind started to drift and wondered what this would’ve been like as a short and not a full length film.

So this group watching the tire with binoculars bicker with each other and watch this tire killing birds, rabbits, and eventually people. It just rolls around until it spots a cute chick and develops a thing for her. The cop that climbed out of the trunk earlier shows up to investigate the murder of a maid. He tells his fellow officers that none of this is real and has one of them shoot him to prove it. He then finds a potential witness and watches his head blow up and the tire roll away. Eventually the tire is destroyed and is recycled as a sentient tricycle. The crowd watching gets poisoned and one of them vows revenge. Yeah.

I’m not sure who this movie is made for. Its as if some high school students, or maybe even junior high, got stoned and wondered what it would be like if a tire came to life and could kill people. I didn’t hate the film but by reading this or just a small premise you have essentially seen this movie. There are lots of pointless movies in the world and this is a newer one. If this was a part of another film that featured weird shit happening (like a toilet paper roll that vanished when you needed it most) this would’ve been more watchable.


  1. The premise of this movie is interesting and actually could be really cool, but you are so correct: It would be an awesome short or a vignette with other inanimate objects personified. But, I'm surprised you made it through the whole film because I gave up after about 30 minutes.

  2. You even told me that you didn't make it the whole way through. I should've stopped where you did. But I'm a glutton for punishment.
