Thursday, December 22, 2011

Babbling Old Man: Motorama

Throwback suggested I watch this movie. He showed me the trailer a few months ago since I accused him of having a fever dream and that this movie didn’t actually exist. I’m not sure how I feel after watching this strange ass movie. Though it was made in 1991, whoever directed and wrote it had to have been doing some leftover drugs they found in the couch from 1984. This film is crazy as all hell and will leave you saying the same thing as I did when I was done. “I don’t…I don’t get it.” This kid named Gus leaves his home at the beginning of the movie where you hear his parents fighting and his mother getting smacked. He makes some stilts so he can reach the gas pedal. Does no one hear the kid using power tools in the middle of the night?!

There’s a contest from a gas station called Chimera where if you spell out Motorama you win a grand prize of $500,000,000. Wow. I would run through a prison backwards with my pants around my ankles for that much money! He heads to a gas station where this weird ass guy works named Phil. This cop keeps popping up and almost arresting him. He ends up at a bar where Meat Loaf gives him arm length tattoos. That happened! Later he ends up at a diner where he pretends to be a food inspector and gets some more cash. Outside he tries to siphon some gas and gets knocked out.

The couple that kidnap him let his eye stay jacked up and he ends up wearing an eye patch. He wakes up covered in lipstick and running. Who knows what the hell they did to him?! He ends up having his car messed up, running from Klans men, and wins a hundred bucks from playing horseshoes from a guy that leaves his kids in the woods while they pee. Why? I don’t know. Its too late to make sense of this crazy ass film. This kid pisses me off because every time he finds a new letter for the game he gets out of the car leaving himself open for attack. And he leaves the letters right on the dashboard!

He eventually gets all the letters (the last one he gets from a mutant) and heads to the main office to claim his prize. Turns out there isn’t one. Its all a lie. They then grab him and toss him out of a window. Next thing you know he’s washing his face from a scene in the beginning and he tosses the leg lifts and hitchhikes. A guy that looks like the cop from earlier gives him a ride. He gets off at the gas station Phil worked at who is in a body cast (he was hit by a truck chasing a kite earlier). He decides to work there. The end. What the hell?! Garrett Morris and Flea were in this movie. And though Drew Barrymore is on the cover, if you look at it for twenty seconds you will see more of her there than in the actual film. This is so bizarre.

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