Thursday, December 22, 2011

Insert Coin: Super Mario World

“After saving the Mushroom Kingdom, brothers Mario and Luigi agree to take a vacation to a place called Dinosaur Land, where there are many types of dinosaurs. However, while resting in the beach, Princess Toadstool disappears. When Mario and Luigi wake up they try to find her and, after hours of searching, come across a giant egg in the forest. It suddenly hatches and out of it comes a young dinosaur named Yoshi, who then tells them that his dinosaur friends have also been imprisoned in eggs by evil turtles. Mario and Luigi soon realize that it must be the evil King Koopa Bowser and his Koopalings.”

Next to Super Mario Bros. 3 this is my favorite Mario game. Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo was a great game. I think people forget about this one when talking about all the games not realizing that this is the game that introduced the character Yoshi. Oh, I liked him back when you just rode his goofy ass around and he didn’t learn to say his own name. Those were the good old days. He could eat enemies and spit fire. This game also had the best looking and craziest enemies. Like Bullet Bill. A big ass Bullet Bill!!!

Knowing how much fun I had with the raccoon suit in the first game, they improved upon it by giving Mario a cape allowing him to fly. If you could do loops or turn around with it that would’ve been too awesome. But flying over enemies and grabbing more coins than you needed was more fun than accomplishing missions. Leave that nonsense up to Luigi. He likes to be useful. You could even let him smell your glove after you save Princess. This game also added a drill motion for breaking through blocks.

Once again there is an underwater world which is hard as hell. They make the water levels the worse in every game! This time if you happen to have the fire flower you can turn the fish into coins. They also have power up P’s that open doors, give you keys for secret rooms, and one that inflates you and allows you to float up for a while. Each level has a boss since Koopa brought his punk ass children back. They are pretty easy to beat compared to the castles which are way harder! They have fences to climb, walls with spikes, and bats. They look like pickles but I think they’re bats.

Bowser seems to have lost his mind. He flies around in a giant cup with an evil smile on it. He was easy to beat too. This whole game took place on Dinosaur Island where they risk their lives helping these Yoshi’s. Not sure why. I would’ve kidnapped a red one and flew him all the way to the end of the game. This makes me miss owning a Super Nintendo. I still have a Gameboy, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Nintendo, and Playstation 2. I need to buy this system just to play this game now.

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