Monday, January 9, 2012

"Bad Mamma Jamma": Lucy Lawless

“Treat everyone the same until you find out they're an idiot.” Lucy Lawless

Oh, Lucy Lawless. She is this weeks Bad Mamma Jamma for so many reasons that I wont go into because I have family that will stumble upon this after my death and I have shamed them and my ancestors far enough. I’ll try and stay classy. She starred on Xena: Warrior Princess. This show inspired nerds to unite in the fact that women were real and that if you were nice you could go to a convention and look at them. Damn, she’s hot. Did you know she is from New Zealand right there with Australia? That’s like America’s version of Canada. And if she was born there she probably speaks Kill fluently.

Lucy sings, fights for gay right, and pops up in the most random ass places and movies. She was in Eurotrip where she was the head of a sex spot called Club Vandersexxx. I may have left an X out. When I saw it I was like “That cant be Lucy La-oh my god it is!” And then I pulled my pants down which was fine because I was at home. My girlfriend at the time didn’t think it was cool. Prude. Lawless got her start in comedy which means she can beat you up and make you laugh about it at the same time. That's a real fetish. At least I'm like 74% sure it is.

As if being on a show that will still be watched a hundred years from now like Xena or Hercules, she decided to turn the nerd up to 11 and be on No Ordinary Family, Battlestar Galatica, Justice League The New Frontier, and now Spartacus. She is making sure that nerds and lesbians or a powerful combination of the two, Lerdbians, are entertained for years to come. She’s in her mid-40’s and takes pictures that look like this. She is the automatic winner of sexy championship edition!

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