Monday, January 9, 2012

Insert Coin: Star Wars Rogue Squadron

“Unlike the Star Wars: X-Wing computer game series that emphasizes space combat simulation, Rogue Squadron is a fast-paced, arcade-style action game. Each of the game's sixteen levels introduces mission objectives that must be completed to progress to the next level. These objectives are divided into four categories: search and destroy, reconnaissance, rescue and protect. Enemy aircraft are primarily composed of TIE fighters. Ground defenses are more varied and include three different walkers, laser and missile turrets, tanks, probe droids, shuttles, stormtroopers and speeder bikes.”

Let me start by saying that I hate Star Wars. Hate it. Not a fan of George Lucas or anything. What I do like are the characters and the weapons. The story and all that shit? Not so much. In hindsight it would’ve helped if I did like and watch the movies if I knew that the Deathstar could be taken out with one shot. For real, it took me forever to beat that level because I was lighting that shit up and it would not die! Star Wars Rogue Squadron is a cool ass game whether or not you watch the movies or like them.

In this game you must be prepared to have a sore neck. I did because when I play games like this where you’re flying through the air and shooting things I tend to crane my neck along with the ship. You get a bunch of different ones but the best is the X-Wing. Mostly because I like going fast and I can boost and drop on enemies like “Fuck your lifestyle!” and light them up. What sucks is that you cant shoot while boosting. The entire time you have your teammates saying things like “Focus!” or “Save the ships!” And you have to or you fail. I’d rather shoot shit.

There are codes where you can get to fly the Millennium Falcon, a TIE Fighter, and even a 1950’s style car. The TIE is fun because if you don’t act stupid and start wilding out you can fly with the enemies for a good long time and once you see your team coming you just start blasting the shit out of the bad guys. But that little bastard is hard as hell you control. The Millennium Falcon is cool because it has two guns shooting at the same time.

One of the hardest parts of this game besides making sure hostages your team is saving don’t get killed by Walkers are the times when you have to take down AT-AT’s. I don’t know what the fuck those letters even mean. While fighting guys on the ground, other ships, and the damned AT-AT’s, you have to wrap a cord around its legs and then release at the perfect time to make it fall down. There’s like three of these damn things! This is a fun game and I may play it today. Until it starts making my neck hurt in which case I’ll play Streets Of Rage 2.

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