Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gossip & Shit January 7th 2012

Katy Perry’s parents are terrible people. Using their daughters divorce to pack their church and talking about how cool they are. Stop doing that and also keep your newly divorced daughter inside for a while. Stay classy.

Selena Gomez finally got a long term restraining order from the nutbag that was stalking her. Thank god! I was losing sleep over this shit.

Bridge troll Marc Anthony is trying to make his ex wife Jennifer Lopez jealous by posting pictures of himself with some young model. Not gonna work, man. She sees more dick than a…person whose job it is to, like, see dick.

Chaz Bono is saving money for a new dick. Or a dick in general. Yeah. That’s happening. In real life.

Wife beater Floyd Mayweather Jr. has to go to court for the right to have a boxing match. How about keeping him from any form of fighting for a while?

Rapper DMX was attacked on stage and went fucking nuts! He grabbed the dude and kicked him in the neck until he coughed up blood! Or he did nothing, let security handle the situation, and continued to perform. Dude has really changed.

Jeremy Renner and his friend were attacked at a bar in Thailand by a guy with an axe. A goddamn axe! Who brings an axe to a club?!

Some fella with the worst luck ever broke into Mike Tyson’s room in Las Vegas. He is lucky he got out alive or with every body part he broke in with.

Fake nerd goddess Zooey Deschanel is divorcing from her husband who plays in a band I don’t car about. They were married for two years. What took them so long?

Drew Barrymore is getting married again. Stop!!!

Sofia Vergara and her friend helped save the life of a woman that passed out around 3am on New Year’s Day. Is there anything that woman cant do?! Nope.

And for no reason Mya!

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