Wednesday, January 4, 2012

All Grown An' Shit 2

I started these kinda lists to show that you should always be nice to that weird looking girl in class because she has like a 85% chance of growing up to be a hot ass woman. Dudes, not so much. A lot of us stay looking the same. Some girls never go through an awkward phase and stay cute throughout life which is unfair to people that look like me. But this particular list contains some girls new to any lists I’ve ever done.

Keke Palmer. She gained some popularity when she appeared in Akeela And The Bee. I remember her from being the badass little girl with the attitude in one of the Madea movies. She isn’t an ugly little girl by any stretch. She looks like quite a few girls I grew up with or saw in school. But even some of those girls grew up and looked busted. This girl looked like she could go either way based on who she dated or if she started pumping out children too young.

She didn’t pump out nothing but the hits! I saw her in a new movie that looks terribly terrible and before I got any ideas I looked up her age. She’s gonna be 19 this year and that makes me feel like a dirty old man. I try not to even look at a chick that is under 25 years old. But damn this girl is cute. She seems nice in interviews and not cocky or anything. Plus she looks…smart. I’d put it on her shoulder if she asked me to. Which she wouldn’t because she’s all successful and shit.

Candace Cameron. Oh, we all remember DJ Tanner from Full House. I used to wonder if she was a lesbian or not. This was back when my Gaydar was working 95% of the time. But, no, they just had her act like a tomboy until Blossom hats became popular and young girls walked around looking like the cat lady whose house you never go to on Halloween because you like living and stuff. She is the sister of Kirk Cameron so I knew she was bionically religious.

I had no idea that she would grow up into a hot and normal woman. The girl who played her sisters on the show? Not so much. Two are the crazy ass Olsen Twins and her younger sister on the show got addicted to meth. But sweet DJ didn’t do any of that shit. She is living a nice married life and is one of very few blond haired women that I find attractive. But her brother is still crazy. That will never change.

Eliza Dushku. I had no idea that this weird looking girl from True Lies was her. I thought this little kid had vanished into obscurity like so many other chicks you see in movies when you’re younger. This is a perfect example of a girl not even kinda showing her potential for being attractive. Poor thing. I bet if Arnold knew what she would turn out like he would’ve babysat her. The perv. Maybe an image of her holding on for dear life on a jet plane isn’t the best picture…

Great googily moogly! This is so honked up. There is no way that this woman should look like this based off that picture above. She has starred in a lot of shows and movies I don’t like but in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back she wears a black cat suit and there was not an inch of her you couldn’t see. This is one of those things where if you dated her in school and see a picture like this you punch yourself right in the crotch every time you hear her name.

Hayden Panettiere. The rambunctious (annoying), precocious (sit down, brat!) little girl from Remember The Titans easily could’ve grown up to be a regular ass looking chick or just vanish into obscurity. There is nothing about this kid that would make you even begin to believe that one day she would grow up and have images of her on dude’s walls or on a list of some random Blacker in West Hollywood that has staring contests with his fish.

Not fair! When the show Heroes (which went from one of the best things in the history of television to making television history by being cancelled mid-season) debuted they kept saying “Save the cheerleader, save the world…” and I was all like “You bet your sweet bippy I’ll save the cheerleader!” Yes, I say bippy sometimes. Yeah, she is about the same size as she was in the first photo but she dates nothing but giants. There are pictures of her in bikinis that will make you cry. In your pants.

Anna Paquin. No, this isn’t a picture from the 1800’s of a young girl being sad because her runaway slave succeeded in getting away. This is from The Piano. She doesn’t look happy and even when she smiled I was like “Oh, this poor child…” Yeah, she was a great actress for a kid but there was no way in hell that this kid would grow up to be even an okay looking woman. It just was not gonna happen. Cthulhu wouldn’t allow such a thing. Or would it…?

Damn it! I saw her in X-Men and The 25th Hour she was cute. She had a bit of weight on her and a terrible Southern accent but you don’t watch the Marvel films for the great acting. Then she popped up on Trueblood looking like this! Plus she mastered her accent. This chick ended up being fucking ridiculous hot and that’s not right. If I had known she would turn out like this I would’ve…done nothing differently. Her current husband looks like what almost every guy wants to look.

Tatyana Ali. This is one of the unfair ones just because there wasn’t really a time when she was ugly. I saw her in a movie when I was tiny and then again on The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. I’m not sure what race she is or any of that nonsense. She always seemed happy and nice and I wanted to be her buddy. Sadly she became another victim of the damned Blossom hat which was the scourge of the 90’s.

Daaaaaamn! Ashley Banks got hot…ter. She’s been in a bunch of movies but I cant tell you any of them. She’s also released a bunch songs and an album but I couldn’t sing you one if asked at gunpoint. But whatevs. Look at her. She looks really smart. I just checked online and she is still doing shows and stuff. I wish they would have a Fresh Prince reunion but they wont because Aunt Vivian 1.0 is still a bitter ass woman. Stop denying me my Tatyana!!!

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