Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gossip & Shit March 14th 2012

Russell Brand is in trouble for grabbing someone’s camera phone and tossing it through a window. I blame Katy Perry. I don’t know why but I do. Dude is gonna fuck around and get his visa revoked. Its happened. I don’t think the band T-Rex is allowed in America still.

Lindsay Lohan is in trouble again! After pretending she was on the straight and narrow a couple of weeks ago she allegedly hit a store owner while leaving a bar where a friend was having a birthday celebration. If she ends up in court because of this her ass is so doing hard time. Doesn’t help she fled the scene. Serves her right for that terrible Saturday Night Live performance.

Courtney Love aka What Cthulhu Fears says that The MuppetsrapedNirvana by using a parody of one of their songs…meaning the only song you know by them. The fact that she signed over rights means nothing in her reality.

Singer (ha!) Rihanna was recently seen wearing a see through netted top. Anything for attention, I swear. If she isn't in the news for what she is wearing she's in it for bad decision making.

Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Christina and her “brotherNick Gordon are getting a little bit too close in public. Whitney took him in a decade ago raising the two like brother and sister. This is so Blue Lagoon.

The TV show Luck has been cancelled after its first season. Three horses have died making the show that stars Dustin Hoffman. I don’t think that many horses were hurt making Gladiator and that movie was horse crazy!

Jessica Simpson is still pregnant. Its been, like, three years or something, right?

Comedian (?) Gallagher had a heart attack. That is all. He crazy now. Not in a funny way either.

John Hamm from Mad Men recently said “Whether it's Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated. Being a fucking idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you're rewarded significantly.” I am past gay for this man.

"The hell you lookin' at?"

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