Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gossip & Shit March 20th 2012

The Situation is in rehab! Why? No one is talking but if you’ve ever seen a small clip of The Jersey Shore then you can guess it its either from alcohol, mental issues, or both. Between Snooki getting pregnant and this I figure that show is gonna look like something Dr. Drew hosts.

There’s a new thing where you can talk to H-List celebrities for dollars a minute. Would you pay $12 to talk to Octomom? You would? Wow. Just when you think you know somebody.

Halle Berry and her fiancé Olivier Martinez are searching for a school for her daughter Nahla. Which is weird since no judge has said she can do such. This should be interesting because if there’s one thing this woman can do its make bad situations worse!

Jessica Simpson is still pregnant.

Jennifer Lopez’s manager had this to say about her choice in men. “The thing that I always sort of wished is that she would give herself time to just naturally meet someone, instead of having obsessive guys pursue her. The ease with which that obsession becomes a relationship I think sometimes works against her ability to have a real meaningful relationship.” Oh, snap! Yes, I really did just use a term that should’ve died in the 90’s.

Marston Hefner who is Hugh’s son isn’t doing jail time for beating the hell out of his girlfriend. He’s getting 52 weeks of domestic violence classes. Kids…just get rich.

NBA player Alan Iverson’s estranged wife wants a list of every woman he has had any sort of relationship with since they’ve been married. Yeah. That’s not gonna happen. Peyton Manning has replaced Tim Tebow on The Denver Broncos. That’s it for this sports minute!

Rosie O’Donnell’s latest show has been cancelled. I found out she had a new show, like, last week.

Jon Hamm is sticking with his first statement about Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. “I don’t think they were careless; I think they were accurate. It’s a part of our culture that I certainly don’t identify with, and I don’t really understand the appeal of it other than in a sort of car crash sensibility, and it’s not something that I partake in or enjoy, but it is what it is, and here we are.

Nick Gordon the “adopted” son of the late Whitney Houston had this to say on Twitter about his relationship with his “sisterBobbi Christina. “Yea we got a little closer and what!!!… All the haters that dont know us or th real story can’t un follow me. I don’t give a f--k. I’ve proved my loyalty to her and the Houston family. I don’t owe any of you anything. Ha I don’t even know y’all haters….Some ppl have no lives so they gotta be in ours.

Allow me to interject for a moment. Dude. Come on. You were fucking the daughter of a woman who took you in when your real mother couldn’t do it. You waited until she died and started publicly displaying love for said daughter. You’re gross.

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